Chapter 10.

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Eddie's P.O.V

It's 8 in the morning, and I can't fall back asleep. I've been dreaming of (Y/n) since she came to my house with Dustin. And I'm constantly waking up with a freaking boner. I'm tired of having these dreams, but I can't seem to help it. (Y/n) is really cute, and I stop thinking about her. My dreams have been getting a little wild. Lately, she's either on her knees about to suck me off, or she's in my bed. "Fuck." I threw my covers off and saw the tent in my pants.

After jerking off to the thought of (Y/n) for the 100th fucking time, I head into the bathroom to take a cold shower. My uncle Wayne's making breakfast because I can smell it from the bathroom, and this trailer isn't even that big. I stepped out of the bathroom after my shower and grabbed some of the bacon he had made. I go back into my room and grab my Hellfire Club T-shirt, and put it on. There was no point in brushing my hair or anything. I loved the way it looks when it dries out. My uncle hates that I grew my hair out; I told him I wouldn't cut it anymore. It makes me look badass.

I remember that (Y/n) was coming by today. I looked at the clock on the wall; it's only been an hour since I woke up. I step out of the trailer and light up a cigarette; I need it, especially after that dream I had of (y/n). The way she looked up at me while on her knees, she had her hands on my belt, undoing it, and her hands were on the zipper of my jeans and slid it down. "No," I shouted, and some outside neighbors looked at me like I was crazy. I didn't even care what they thought of me; they could think whatever. They probably think I'm a fucking psycho. I threw my cigarette on the ground and stomped it out.

"What the hell was that about?" My uncle asked when I walked by him.
"What was what?" I asked. "You shouting!"
"It was nothing." I lied. I'm not telling him about (Y/n). It was his business anyway. Hopefully, by the time she gets here, he'll be off at work. I just wanted to get this over with.

I looked over at the clock; it was almost 12. Where the hell was she? I was going to call Dustin and ask when they'll be here. Unless he's not coming, and it's just going to be her. Dammit. I head back into my room and I sit on my bed; I was getting hard just thinking about how she was going to be alone with me. The things I would do to her if we were alone, but I can't. I'm not letting her in, not like that. I jerked off so many times this past week because of her, and this time while I was jerking off, there was a bang on my door. "Jesus Christ," I shouted.

"There's some girl here." My uncle yelled from outside the door. "Shit, shit." I finished off and grabbed one of my shirts from the floor, and cleaned up. I stood and pulled my pants up. I left my room and walked over to the front door. Why did she have to look so fucking hot? This is total bullshit.

"Hi, Eddie." She gave me a small smile. Dammit. This was bad timing, honestly, mainly because my uncle almost caught me with my fucking pants down. Thank god he didn't walk into the room.

"I wasn't expecting you this early," I looked around, but no Dustin. Dammit. "I wasn't expecting you to be here alone. I thought Henderson was coming to." I stepped out and grabbed a cigarette from my pack that was in my pants pocket, took out my lighter, and lit my cigarette.

"He said he had to clean his room or whatever. Lucas was over there, and they made a mess." I wouldn't doubt that Sinclair and Henderson hung out the other night, but she didn't seem too sure. I took a long drag from my cigarette; I looked (y/n) up and down, damn she looks fucking good today. She looked away. I found it amusing that she was not able to look at me. I couldn't help myself when I saw her; she was getting to me.

"Alright, we'll head out in just a second." I tossed my cigarette on the ground and went back into the trailer; I left the door open, thinking that she would follow me inside. She just stood there, "You coming?" She said nothing; I can imagine how awkward this was for her. My Uncle came out and saw (y/n) standing there; he crossed his arms and stared at her. He shook his head and smiled, laughing softly. I didn't want to be out here; I went back into my room to grab my jacket. I still heard the conversation.

"Is everything okay?" She asked.
"Oh, everything is just fine, darling; I'm just wondering what you and my nephew are up to?" Jesus Christ, my uncle should've been at work by now. "We're just... he's..." It's kind of cute that she doesn't even know what to say. Uncle Wayne began to laugh a bit louder this time. "It's okay. No need to be embarrassed. Besides, my nephew here doesn't even have a girlfriend." He whispered the last part, but I heard him.

"I can assure you, he and I are not together, and we never will be." Unfortunately, she said it, but it's true, we're not together, and we never will be. I did feel bad though I didn't want to torture the poor girl any longer. I walked out of my room; I didn't even bother changing my shirt, and since I would be teaching her D&D, what would be the point of changing? I had my leather jacket and jean vest on.

"Alright, Uncle, I'll see you later." I grabbed my keys and was ready to head for the door. Uncle Wayne stepped in front of me, "If you excuse us for just a moment, darling." He said, looking at (y/n); she nodded and went outside.

"You need to be careful, boy." He looked serious.
"Jesus, I'm not sleeping with her." I didn't want this conversation.
"Yeah, that's the same thing your daddy said to our dad before he went and got your mama pregnant." I gave him a reassuring pat on the back, opened the door, and said, "Believe me; you don't have to worry," there was no point for him to freak out. I don't plan on sleeping with her. I looked at (y/n), but I had to look away. We head over to my van, and once she gets in, I start the engine.

The ride to Reefer Rick's house was awkward as hell. I had to put on the radio to have some sound. That's the only noise that was coming from my van; this was such a bad idea.

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