Chapter 52

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Three more days till Graduation...

On the last day of School, everyone said their goodbyes and hugged each other. It was so weird that I won't be coming back to school.

My first few years here at Hawkins High, I just had myself. I didn't have any friends, I was a loner. And I was okay with that. I mean, from a distance I would think about Eddie Munson and realize I was attracted to him, but I didn't do anything. I kept to myself.

It wasn't until my senior year of High School I can actually say that I made some of the best of friends. Of course, they're mostly Freshmen but that's okay. I'll be their best friend that's out of high school and I can come get them from school and bring them to school and still have a chance to hang out with them. And I finally got to talk to Eddie, and now he can't get rid of me.

The two of us officially passed high school and were on our way to graduate. I'm not sure what the future holds, but I'm excited to experience it with Eddie by my side.

My parents are proud of me and Eddie.

It did take a while for them to know Eddie and to get used to him. They're starting to like him more and more every day, and I'm so grateful.

Max, Lucas, and Dustin came by to hang out with me and Eddie for our last day. We went out to eat and went to the arcade. Eddie and I played PAC-MAN and he beat my score. I joked about it and said he cheated. Then we stopped by the video store to see Steve and Robin. We talked about what we were doing after graduation and we invited Robin, Steve, and Nancy to hang out with us.

My parents did plan to give me a graduation party, and I let them know I had a few friends coming over.
"The more the merrier." They said to me.

While at the video store, Eddie rented a few movies for us to watch at his place. Steve told us that he and Nancy are "talking" and we know what that means. Nancy told Steve that she and Jonathan were on a 'break' because he's focused on college out there in California and Nancy told him that she wasn't going to California for college.

"So that means you and Nancy are together again?" Dustin asked.

"Well.." Steve shrugged, "I mean we're taking it slow this time around and I'm not fucking it up again. I'll admit I was kind of a douchebag to her when we first started dating."

"Oh, we didn't notice," Dustin said sarcastically.

"You were kind of an ass," Lucas said.

"Yeah, I thought you were kind of a jerk at first," Max admitted.

"Okay, okay," Steve said, his hands up. "I get it, I was an asshole. Jesus Christ, I'm making up for it now."

"We love you, Steve," Eddie said, patting Steve on the back.

"Yeah, love you too," Steve replied.

"Aw Steve, you're blushing," Robin said laughing.

"Shut up, no I'm not."

We all laughed.

After we were done there Eddie brought everyone back home and then we came back to his house. His uncle wasn't home just yet, so it gave us enough time to spend time together in a quiet house.

"Oh, I love this movie," I said as Eddie inserted the VHS tape into the VCR.

"I know you do, that's why I rented it," he said with a wink.

"The Breakfast Club is one of the best movies that has ever existed. I freaking love Molly Ringwald, she is so good." I sat there and watched the movie I didn't even get up once to use the bathroom. I've seen it so many times this last year that I've remembered it almost word for word.

"You kind of remind me of her," Eddie said, pointing out at Molly Ringwald's character, Claire.

"Really?" I looked at her character, she was really pretty. With her short red hair, looking super girly.

"I mean, you have her personality in a way."

"I'm not girly like that though."

"No, what she's really like. She hides her true self and puts on the bitchy persona. Deep down she is kind."

"You think so?" I look back at her character, "Hm? Maybe. You remind me of Bender."

"What? No way!" Eddie said shaking his head.

"Dude, seriously? He had that 'bad boy' look but deep down he's also very sweet and kind and he does have a thing for Claire," I shrug, "So there's that."

"Okay, I guess I see it".

I lay my head on Eddie's shoulder and watched the rest of the movie. Once it was over he popped in another movie into the VCR.

"Oooh, Back to the Future, this is a great movie. Did you see it when it came out?" I asked excitedly.

"I didn't actually, but I heard it was a good movie."

"Wait, you didn't see it in theaters? Why not?"

"I don't know, I'm not big on going to the theater. Besides being around so many people, no thank you."

"That makes sense."

"I'm assuming you went to see it?"

"Yeah, I asked my parents if they wanted to. We went a day after it came out, it was less crowded."

"Well damn, maybe I should've gone then." He smiled.

"Not like you would've enjoyed it, there were still quite a bit of people there."

"But you were there."

"I was, but I think you would have avoided me."

"Maybe you're right." Eddie took me into his lap. "I'm glad you're here with me now."

"Me too." I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.

"I love you." He said softly.

"I love you too."

"Let's watch this movie and then I'll show you how much I love you." He winked.

"Oh?" I arched my brow.

"Oh yeah."

"You can always show me now."

"I could, but don't you want to enjoy the movie?"

"We can watch it later tonight or tomorrow. We have it for a few days before we have to return it." I couldn't resist, I pulled his shirt over his head.

"You really can't wait," he laughed.

"No, I can't, not when it comes to you, Munson."

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