Chapter 33

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A week later...

The prom is approaching fast.

I know that Eddie isn't comfortable with the idea of Prom and going out in a suit and tie. He's more of the leather jacket type, and I'm completely fine with it. I told him it would be fine, I loved him for him. The two of us talked extensively about Prom and he said he didn't want to dance that night, and as much as I wanted to argue, I understood that he wasn't confident with it.

"It's not that I can't dance, it's just I don't want to," Eddie explained.

Deep down I was seething, but on the surface, I could see that he wasn't comfortable dancing in front of people.

"I get it." I didn't want to sound disappointed but he saw the expression on my face.

We haven't talked in a few hours since our conversation. I'm not sure if he was upset at the fact that I was upset. I told him it was fine, and not to worry about it.

Max and Lucas were hanging out by the lockers talking about something. I didn't mean to listen to their conversation but I overheard them and they mentioned Eddie's name. It was something along the lines of "Doesn't want to go to Prom."

"What the hell do you mean he doesn't want to go to prom?" I asked shouting. Some of the people walking through the halls froze in their spots. Max and Lucas turned towards me, their eyes almost bugging out of their heads.

"Oh (Y/n), we were just talking..." Max tried to explain, but I wouldn't let her.

"No." I put my hand up to stop her. "Eddie doesn't want to go to prom? He told me he was."

"We just saw him a little bit ago." Lucas pointed towards down the hall. "He said he didn't want to go and then Chrissy came along and..." This time I stopped Lucas from talking.

"Chrissy Cunningham?" I didn't give them time to explain I went straight down the hall where Lucas saw Eddie going. I walked up and down and didn't see him at first, but then I caught a glimpse of him standing by the doorway to one of the classrooms and he wasn't alone.

"I don't know," Eddie said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Come on Eddie, I promise," Chrissy said, trying to keep quiet.

"(Y/n) means a lot to me."

That's it, I'm not going to just stand here and have them talk about me. What was Chrissy playing at anyway? Was she trying to get Eddie all to herself? I know that in the past he liked her. He assured me that he didn't like her like that anymore. Eddie said that he loved me. So why is he even talking to her?

"Eddie." I tried my best to stay calm, my body was shaking in anger. I balled my fists, I was prepared to kick someone's ass. And that someone was either going to be my boyfriend or Chrissy.

"What are you doing (Y/n)?" Eddie asked nervously, he looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I was just here talking to Chrissy about something and..."

"Okay, enough," I shouted. "If you're seeing her behind my back Eddie."


"Can I explain.." Chrissy chimed in.

"No, you can't," I said.

Chrissy cowered.

"Please (Y/n), let me explain." Eddie walked towards me but I backed away.

"No." I backed away more the closer he kept getting. "I don't want you to explain anything to me, Eddie Munson." Tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"Please, babe," those two words broke my heart.

"No Eddie." I cried. I ran off down the hall away from the man I loved. From the man I thought I loved. He was seeing Chrissy behind my back this entire time? Even after he told me he had no feelings for her. He lied to me. We hadn't been together that long, but he told me he loved me and only me. I felt so broken, so hurt. I was feeling betrayed. I've never felt this way for anyone, and the one time I do I get my heart broken. And so close to Prom.

What the hell am I going to do for Prom? It's only a few days away. And now the one person I wanted to go with doesn't even want to go.

What if he doesn't want to go with me? He'd rather go with Chrissy. What the hell?

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