Chapter 68.

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Eddie and I waited for almost a week to see if he got a letter back from his half-little brother. The two of us would constantly check the mailbox and would feel a tinge of disappointment when we didn't receive a letter back. At first, we thought that he didn't want to contact us, and Eddie was a little upset about it. The two of us tried to find ways to keep our minds off of it, the two of us stayed in the room since I was pretty much on bed rest for a couple of weeks.

Dustin Lucas and Max would come by and visit us and they practically begged Eddie to play D&D and I told him to go on ahead as he could to keep his mind off of the whole thing. It was best to stay distracted for right now.

"Oh and by the way, I'm only doing this because you want me to," Eddie said when he left the first time to go play D&D with our friends. There were times when Max would stay with me and we would paint each other's nails and watch some movies together. The two of us would gossip about different things, like one person said that Chrissy Cunningham got back with Jason which was no surprise at all. Steve and Nancy have been seeing each other on and off again because she's not sure if she still wants to be with Jonathan.

"It's all madness," Max said.

Then the day came when we got a letter back.

Eddie was coming home from rehearsing with his band because he decided to go back to playing music with Corroded Coffin.

"Babe." I heard him shout from the living room.

"What happened?" I asked as he walked into the room. I saw him hold an envelope in his hand. "Is it from him?"

Eddie nodded.

"Open it," I said excitedly.

"I'm kind of nervous."

"There's nothing to be nervous about Eddie, he wrote back so that means something."

"What if he wrote back to tell me to fuck off."

"Why would he do that?"

"I don't know."

"You're overthinking this, let me see the letter and I'll open it."

"Here," Eddie said handing the letter over to me. "Read it, please."

"Okay." I took the envelope from his hand and started to open it.

"Dear Eddie,

I didn't know I had a brother.

My parents failed to tell me this when they told me I was adopted.

I kind of had a feeling that I was adopted because I looked nothing like my parents. First of all, they're of African descent and I'm not. Obviously, as a kid, I didn't see a difference but as I got older I realized that it was true. It was when I was 15 they told me the truth.

Our mom always used to come by the house to visit and my parents threatened to call the police on occasion. I think I've seen her a few times, I think she worked at the diner I used to go to almost every morning with my parents. Not sure if they knew that I knew, but one day we just stopped going to that diner.

Damn, so I'm dead?

That's kind of interesting, isn't it? This whole time my birth father thought that I was dead.

I feel bad for the guy.

Tell him I said 'Hi' and that I'm sorry that he had to go through that for 20 years.

As for our mom, I wanted to let you know that she wrote me about three years ago. The letter came from Texas and she wrote that she missed me and wished to see me. I never wrote back though.

But hey, I have a big brother, which is cool since my parents couldn't have kids of their own so here I was all these years thinking I was an only child. And yeah, I'll admit, Robert isn't a great name, and Joe is a bit better. Anyway, If you want to call me some time I'll leave my number at the bottom of this letter. I've been living with my girlfriend for the past few months, we just left our apartment and thankfully we were able to get a phone, so yeah, give me a call bro.

It's nice having a brother, have a good one, Eddie!

Yours truly, Joe your bro."

"Aww, That's great," I said to Eddie after reading the letter.


"Right, he sounds like a great guy."

"Yeah, he does."

I would've thought that after I read the letter he would be happier, but he was the complete opposite.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"It sounds like he had a pretty decent life, right?"

"Yeah, I suppose, but now he knows that he's not an only child and he's excited to know he has a big brother."

"I know..."

"Eddie." I place my hand in his, "He wants to be in your life, give him a chance."


"Want to give him a call?"

"Um yeah. What is the number?" I hand him the paper and tell him to go and call his brother.

"Wait, what time is it in Virginia?"

"Uh, I think it's the same time out there."

"Okay." Eddie takes the letter and walks out into the kitchen to call his brother.

Once he went into the kitchen I heard him pick up the phone and dial his brother's number, after a few seconds I heard him say "Hello?"

And their conversation went on for a good bit.

There was some laughter, and then Eddie sounded like he wanted to cry.

"How did the phone call go?"

"It was good."

"What did you two talk about?"

"We talked about a bunch of things. I did mention that he's going to be an uncle."

"How did he react to that?"

"He seemed excited like he was genuinely happy about being an uncle." Eddie came over to the bed and sat down. "Babe, he sounded like a great guy, he was excited about being an uncle to our child and he doesn't even know us. And he wants to be invited to the wedding."

"Oh, Eddie." I squealed, clapping my hands, "This is amazing. Of course, he's invited to the wedding."

"We might want to start inviting people since we're having it in a few months."

"Oh, you're right." I hadn't even told my parents that I was pregnant, and they had no idea that we were having the wedding in a few months.

Eddie must've noticed how tense I became since he started to rub my back, "Hey, don't worry about it okay? No stressing, relax."

"I know, I know, I'm sorry."

"We will tell them, and if they don't like it, too damn bad."

"Eddie." I playfully hit him, "They're my parents."

"I know, but if they can't accept the fact that we're getting married sooner than we planned, I'm still going to marry you."

"I wouldn't want it any other way."

"Good," He said kissing my lips. "I wouldn't either."

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