Chapter 29.

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Oh my god, I'm Eddie Munson's girlfriend. Holy shit! Never ever in a million years would I've thought I would be his girlfriend? He's never shown interest in that many girls before besides Chrissy, but he assured me that it was only a crush and nothing ever happened between the two of them. But I'm still curious as to why Jason hated Eddie so much. From what I remember back in Middle School, they seemed to be friends. I might have to ask Eddie myself, but not today. Today I'm going to revel in the fact that I am Eddie's girlfriend and dance around in my room and be freaking happy.

Going up the stairs to my room, I do a little shimmy and skip around like a little girl. My mom popped out of her room to see what I was doing. "Are you okay there?" She looked amused at how I was acting. I don't think she's ever seen me so excited before.

"Oh, I'm fine," I assure her.

"Okay, I just heard you skipping around out here. I've never seen you do that, only a few times when you were smaller." She laid her hands on her hips, looking at me, "Something good must've happened."

"It did." I won't reveal too much. I know she had seen Eddie once before when he came over to my house not that long ago to apologize to me, but she didn't know that I liked him. I can't say how she would react to the fact that he is now my boyfriend.

"That's great, sweetie; maybe you can tell me about it later." She beamed.

"Okay." I'm not sure what to tell her exactly, but I'll figure something out for now. I will go into my room and try to relax my mind. It did happen sort of fast, I'll admit. One day he couldn't stand seeing me, and now, suddenly, he can't stay away from me. I don't mind, and I'm actually glad that he admitted how he felt. I just don't know how this is going to go down. I'm hoping that this isn't one of those things where he admits how he feels and realizes it was a mistake, and break up with me. Is he going to do that? Shit! I never thought about it. I mean, he didn't want to teach me D&D, and he barely knew anything about me. He did think I was a weirdo, and then he didn't, and now he's my boyfriend. Well, so much for my good mood.

The next day...

It was 5 am, so I got up from my bed and headed for the kitchen; only a few more weeks until School was over, and I'll no longer be in High School. I've never thought about what I want to do when school is over. Will I go to college? Or stay home and find a job? Or maybe I'll move out of Hawkins, but I don't have enough money to find a new place. All I can focus on now is if this whole boyfriend and girlfriend thing with Eddie isn't just a passing romance. I couldn't even get any sleep last night; I was overthinking everything. He didn't even call me once he got home. He probably did realize it was a huge mistake to ask me out. Maybe he doesn't have to be my boyfriend. Dammit, just relax. There's a perfectly reasonable explanation for why he didn't call you. He probably got home, and his uncle was probably home, and they talked about stuff, and he got distracted and just forgot to call. Yeah, that's probably it. No need to worry about it.

Wait,what if Chrissy has his number? Did she call him and admit her feelings for him? She wanted his help not so long ago, and the way her and Jason have been lately. Chrissy seemed distant from her boyfriend. Oh god! I could call Eddie right now, I mean I don't have his number, but Dustin does, but it is only five in the morning and I'm sure he's just getting up for school. I'll have to talk to Eddie when I get to school. I don't want to take the bus today, but I might have to.

After I got dressed I went back downstairs and saw that my parents were getting ready to leave. I sat at the table where my dad had a newspaper in his hands, drinking his coffee. My mom set out some bacon and eggs for him and a plate for me. I wasn't all that hungry though, I felt too nauseous to eat anything. All I could think about was Eddie, and actually dreading to see him. He was so happy when I said yes to being his girlfriend and I was too. But now I don't know how to feel. I want this to work out for us, and I know it's all new to the both of us. I'm just so terrified that this was a mistake and he's going to be the one to end it.

Once my parents left, I took my plate of food and set it on the kitchen counter. I dragged my feet to the front door and walked out. The bus will be here in twenty minutes. As I'm standing at my driveway I see a van pull up in front of my house. Eddie rolled down the window and popped his head out from the passenger side. "Hey you." He beamed.

"What are you doing here?" I walked over to the van. Eddie jumped out of the van and came over to me, lifting me up in his arms.

"I'm here to bring you to school." He set me down back onto my feet and kissed me. "I told you I'd see you tomorrow."

"I thought you meant at school, you didn't say anything about picking me up." I crossed my arms over my chest, I didn't want to argue with him, but he could've called or something.

"Hey, why are you so mad about it?"

"I'm not mad." I lied.

"Bullshit, I can see it in your eyes. You're mad at me for something and I would like to know why." He copied my pose.

"I'm not mad Eddie, I just didn't know you were going to pick me up. It's not like you called me."

"Is that what you're so mad? Because I didn't call you."

"I'm not mad." I shouted. Last thing I wanted to do was make a scene. "I'm not mad." I repeated, more calmly this time.

"I'm sorry that I didn't call you." Eddie placed his hand on my cheek. "I got home and passed out on the couch."

"Oh." I looked down at the ground but Eddie lifted my chin up with his fingers.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I guess you saying yes to being my girlfriend got me really excited and I guess all the excitement made me tired." He tried to get me to smile, but for some reason I couldn't muster up one.

"Babe." Eddie wrapped his arms around me. "I meant what I said, you can even ask my Uncle. He was there when I got home and I told him about us and then I fell asleep."

"I believe you." I said melancholy.

"Please don't be like that. I'm sorry, and I will make it up to you."

"How?" I looked up into his beautiful brown eyes. There was a twinkling in them, he was being sincere and I was being immature.

"After school, I'll take you out. And we can get some ice cream or something? Whatever you want to do." Eddie picked me up in his arms and spun me around. "I don't want you to be sad." He set me down.

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