Chapter 44.

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Prom Night

There were so many cars parked in the parking lot. Everyone was making their way to the entrance where there was a sign saying "Prom is in the Gym" and an arrow pointing the way. It was absolutely beautiful, the gym was dimmed and technicolored lights were hanging from the ceiling. Everything was so beautifully decorated.

"Wow, they went all out." Eddie looked impressed.

"Did you expect them to half-ass it, babe?" I asked, laughing.

"Yes." He said nonchalantly.

"Alrighty then."

"Hey look it's Robin and Nancy." Eddie pointed out the two girls who were standing by the punch bowl. "How much you want to bet that Robin spiked the punch bowl?" Eddie asked.

"Twenty and I say she didn't spike it.." I put my hand out to shake.

"It's a bet."

"Hey," I said as we approached the two of them.

"Oh hey," Nancy said, she stood there somewhat awkwardly. The two of us were never close, obviously, I knew of her and I knew she used to date Steve Harrington, and then she started dating Jonathan Byers. I called her house when we went on break from school and she answered the phone. It was a bit awkward, and now I wish I got the chance to know her better.

"Dude, I am so freaking bored." Robin chimed in, "I'm not even sure why I'm here. I was searching for Vickie and I can't see her anywhere." Robin scanned the crowd for a girl that she had a crush on. From what I've seen, the girl Robin is crushing on has a boyfriend. I know he graduated already, but he comes to Hawkins to visit Vickie.

"I'm sure she's around here somewhere," Nancy reassured her.

"Maybe." Robin continued to scan the crowd for Vickie. "I don't even know what she would be wearing?"

Nancy was wearing a beautiful powder blue dress with sequins, and her hair was curled in a bun. While Robin decided to go in a tux. She wasn't a fan of super girly clothes, and I've never seen Robin Buckley in a dress before.

"Wait," Nancy was helping Robin spot Vickie, "I think I see her over there." She points.

"Where?" Robin wasn't sure where Nancy was pointing.

"Over there, the girl wearing that black dress," Nancy took Robin's hand and brought her up a bit closer to see.

Robin noticed and her eyes went wide, "Damn, she looks so beautiful."

"Now go ahead and make a move." Nancy pushed Robin slightly.

"Alright, alright I'm going. Wish me luck." Robin straightened the tie she was wearing and proceeded to walk towards Vickie.

"Good luck Robin," Nancy called after her.

And now it was just me, Eddie, and Nancy. And yes, it was kind of awkward. Like I said, I've never hung around Nancy Wheeler and it's a bit weird just standing here and no one was talking.

"So..." Eddie spoke, breaking the awkward silence. "Did you and Robin come together?"

"Yes and no." Nancy laughed. "I mean, Jonathan was supposed to come out here but he called coming up with some sort of excuse, saying he was busy or whatever, anyway." I could tell Nancy was upset that Jonathan couldn't be here, but she played it off like it was nothing.

"Robin wasn't planning on coming, I talked her into it. I told her that Vickie was going to be here, and so she wore one of her dad's old suits and tie and I picked her up."

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