Chapter 6.

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Eddie's P.O.V.

After everyone left the campaign for the Hellfire Club, I cleaned everything out of the room and went straight for the exit. On my way out, I ran into Chrissy Cunningham. I remember having a crush on her back in middle school, but I kept that to myself. Neither she nor Jason has to know how I felt all those years ago. I'm still attracted to her, but I might have feelings for someone else.

I shake the feeling away, though. The last thing I need is to have a stupid crush on some girl I don't know all that well.

"Eddie." I heard Chrissy's voice; I almost forgot that she was standing right in front of me. All these thoughts of Chrissy and that girl... whatever her name is. Thinking she could join Hellfire Club, I was going to say yes, but I don't think I can handle it.

"Yeah?" I didn't want to be rude to Chrissy, but I wasn't in the mood.

"I was wondering if you had what I needed?" She looked so desperate. She came to me after school asking for some "drugs." I had pot on me, and I would give her some of that, but she asked if I had anything "stronger." I told her that I did, which was a bad idea. She's Chrissy Cunningham. For Christ's sake, why would I be giving her drugs in the first place? I didn't ask why she wanted me to do this; it was none of my business.

"Shit... Chrissy." I rubbed the back of my neck. This wasn't a good time whatsoever.

"Please, Eddie, I am so desperate right now." She grabbed my arm; it looked like she was about to cry.

"Alright, alright. Come on with me." The last thing I needed was for her to make a scene.

Once we reached my trailer, I hopped out, and she followed. I looked back and saw that redhead chick, I forgot her name, but I know that Sinclair used to date her.

"Okay, before I do this..." I turned to look at Chrissy, "No one is to know that I did this for you, okay?" I had to get inside before anyone got suspicious. But then again, they'll think I'm probably sleeping with her. It would be hilarious that people would believe Chrissy would go for a guy like me. Jason would be so pissed, and he would probably have the whole basketball team after me.

"Okay." She nodded.

I opened the door to the trailer.

"Sorry for the mess. Uh, the maid took the week off."

Chrissy looked around, "You, um... You live here alone?"

If only... "With my uncle." Good ol' Uncle Wayne. He took me in as a kid, my dad went to prison, and I have no fucking clue where my mom went. It doesn't even matter, though; she didn't give a shit about me. If she did, she wouldn't have left. I always thought she would come back for me, but she never did. I don't need her or my dad. I can take care of myself, but Uncle Wayne doesn't want to see me living in my van.

"But, uh, he works nights at the plant. Bringing home the big bucks." Not like it mattered to Chrissy, but I wanted her to know. My uncle was a hard worker; he prided himself in working hard. Unfortunately, my dad, Wayne's brother, didn't think that way. He was the type of father who taught his only child how to Hotwire a car, how to steal, pickpocket, and other shit that can get you into trouble. Of course, I've had my fair share of problems, and I would land myself in a cell from time to time.

"How long does it take?" Chrissy asked.

"Sorry?" I was confused for a moment.

"The special K. How long to kick in?"

I was starting to have second thoughts. I had a feeling something terrible was going to happen; this couldn't happen.

"Chrissy, I'm so sorry, but I can't." It didn't feel right.

"What do you mean?" She looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Look, I don't know what exactly is going on with you and whatever else you're going through, but you are better than this. Whatever it is, I know you'll be able to get through it without drugs. Come on; your life isn't over." I tried my best to reassure her, but I didn't think it worked.

"You're right; you don't know what I'm going through." She looked away, crying.

Son of a bitch.

"Come on, Chrissy; I'm sure you can get through it. You're so much stronger than you think." I put my arm around her shoulder, and she turned and cried into my chest.

"Eddie, I don't think I can do this." She was starting to have second thoughts too.

"It's okay; you don't have to." I patted her on the back.

"Can you take me home?" She looked up at me.

"Yeah." I put my arm around her and led her to the front door. Once we got outside, I opened the passenger side of the door for her to get in.

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