Chapter 56.

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Eddie's P.O.V

Graduation day...

(Y/n) and I had to be at the school early.

It was time to get our diploma and get the hell out of there.

The two of us talked about the miscarriage, she told me that she would be okay. She just wanted to graduate and the two of us start the rest of our lives together.

"I love the sound of that." I kissed her head.

"Me too."

"Let's get to the school."

"Don't forget my parents want to throw a little graduation party. Once we get our diplomas and we throw our hats we have to head over to the house."

"Got it."

"Alright, let's get those diplomas."

The two of us hooted and hollered going out the door.

We reached the school and already every senior was there. I spotted Robin and Nancy, the two of them noticed me and (Y/n) and walked toward us.

"Can you believe it, we're done here," Robin said, hopping around.

"Calm down Robin." Nancy tried to hold her down.

"Oh come on Nance, isn't this super exciting? We're done with high school, we're adults in the real world now. The fact that I already have a job though helps a lot, I've been saving up for months, and I might get into community college."

"That's great Robin." (Y/n) said.


"I am happy for you Robin," Nancy said, hugging her friend.

"What about you Eddie? (Y/n)? You guys going to college?" Robin asked.

"Uh." (Y/n) looked at me, and then back at Robin. "I don't think I will. I'm going to get a job and save up so that Eddie and I can get a place of our own."

"That's great you guys," Robin said enthusiastically.

"Yeah, we decided that we're going to skip the whole college thing and move out of my uncle's place." I wrapped my arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder.

"You guys are so freaking cute, I'm going to miss you guys." Robin hugged the both of us. "I mean I'm sure I'll be seeing you around, but still."

"We'll miss you too Robin," I said, patting her back.

"Vickie got accepted to five different colleges, and her top choice, of course, was Harvard, unfortunately, her application was rejected, which sucks. But I made her feel better..." she smiled suggestively.

"Oh gross Robin." Nancy cringed.

"What? It's a natural thing and it's beautiful. And let me just tell you how fucking hot it is when she cu-"

"No, don't finish that sentence," Nancy said covering Robin's mouth.

I couldn't help but laugh. When Nancy was looking away I gave Robin a high five.

"Anyway, Vickie will be going to Yale instead, which was her second choice. Of course, this long-distance thing is going to suck, but she said she'll write me every day and I'll get to visit her during break."

"Aw that's so awesome." (Y/n) said.

"She's the one, you guys," Robin said beaming ear to ear.

"I know how you feel," I said looking at (Y/n).

"Hey, you guys." Chrissy Cunningham approached us.

"Hey, Chrissy." I greeted her.

"Can you believe it?"

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