Chapter 69.

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Eddie's P.O.V

I walked out into the kitchen to call my brother.

I dialed the number, my finger shaking as I hit the buttons.

Only two rings until I hear someone pick up the phone.

"Hello?" A cheerful male voice answered.

"Is this Joe?"


"Hey, it's... it's your brother Eddie."

"Hey man, It's good to hear your voice."

"Yeah, you too."

"What's up, man? How is everything?" he asked, sounding like he cared.

"Uh, nothing much, just wanting to give you a call. I just got your letter, and my fiancée said I should give you a call."

"Oh dude, you're engaged, that's great."

"Yeah, Yeah, her name is (Y/N)."

"What's she like?"

"She's great, really great. She's one of the best friends I've had in a very long time."

"That's good to hear man, where did you meet?"

"In school actually, I uh, stayed back a few times and well yeah," I mentioned how she always had a crush on me and that she wanted me to teach her D&D and at first I wasn't all that interested and then realized that I was and we've been inseparable ever since, except the one time we broke up.

"Wow, that's crazy, but glad that you two are back together."

"Yeah, me too."

"Dude you like D&D though, like what? I freaking love D&D."

"Seriously?" He liked D&D, that was a crazy revelation.

"Hell yeah man, I've been playing for years. I'm a level 20 Sorcerer."

"Awesome man, yeah I had a club back in School, The Hellfire Club."

"That's so cool, I had a D&D club back in school too, but our name wasn't as cool." He laughed.

"What was the name?" I asked genuinely curious.

"Don't laugh, it wasn't my idea, it was one of my friends that came up with the name."

"Ooh, now I have to know," I said amusingly.

"The Holy Lobsters," he said quietly, I wasn't sure if I heard him right.

"What was that?" I asked laughing.

"The Holy Lobsters," he said louder.

I couldn't stop laughing. "Dude, I am so sorry."

"I told you it wasn't as cool."

"I guess not, why did you agree with that name?"

"I was trying to be a supportive friend and well you know, at the time we were about thirteen and the other guys thought the name was great."


"I know. So you mentioned that (Y/N) is your fiancee, when's the wedding?"

This should be interesting, telling him that he's going to be an uncle.

"Oh uh, we planned on having it in a few years but we decided to go with nine months because she's pregnant."

There was silence on the line.

"Hello?" I thought he hung up.

"Sorry, Did you say pregnant?"


"Wait, does that mean I'm..."

"Yep, you're going to be an uncle."

"Dude, Holy shit, no freaking way, I'm going to be an uncle. That's freaking amazing, I can't believe this. I just found out I have a brother and now I'm going to be an uncle."

"Yeah, that's crazy isn't it?" He didn't know I even existed for 20 years and now here we are talking to each other on the phone.

"It is. Wow, hold on I gotta tell my girl."

I heard the phone move away from his mouth and I heard him shouting at his girlfriend.

"Kendra, babe, I'm going to be an uncle." I heard the phone move again, "Dude, that's great. Congrats on that."


"Please tell me I'm invited to the wedding, I would love to come."

"Oh yeah, if you want to come, that's cool."

"Hell yeah, I do."

"Awesome, you're invited."

"Thanks, dude, can't wait. Just let me know when exactly and I'll have to tell my job I need to take some time off."

"Yeah, Of course."

"This is freaking great. Hey, I should go, I have to get ready to take my girl to work, but uh, give me your number and I'll call back soon."

I gave him my phone number and we said our goodbyes and hung up the phone.

I walked back into the room and told (Y/N) about our phone conversation and she was super excited. He genuinely seemed like such a nice guy and he wants to be at the wedding and he's excited about being an uncle. Of course, reminding (Y/N) that we have to start sending out invitations to our wedding she tensed up. I knew she was thinking about her parents because they had no idea she was pregnant and that we were having the wedding sooner.

"We will tell them, and if they don't like it, too damn bad."

"Eddie." she hit me playfully, "They're my parents."

"I know, but if they can't accept the fact that we're getting married sooner than we planned, I'm still going to marry you."

"I wouldn't want it any other way."

"Good," I said as I kissed her on the lips. "I wouldn't either."

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