Chapter 7.

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Eddie's P.O.V

The next day...

I heard a knock on the front door, I don't know who the hell it is, but I just want to pretend I'm not even home. After a few minutes, I didn't hear anything, so whoever it was must've left. Then I heard someone banging on my door; my first instinct was that it was the cops. But then I heard Henderson's voice.

"Eddie" he yelled. Jesus Christ, this kid is loud. My neighbors are probably going to be pissed off. They were going to complain to my uncle about the noise, and then my uncle will bitch at me about it. Which is the last thing I freaking need right now. That man has a lot going on in his life. The last thing he needs is to deal with his nephew, who doesn't even need to be here. I told him this, and I could just leave and live in my van until I found a place. That was a good argument that lasted for hours.

"Eddie, come on, man." Dustin continued to yell. Dammit, Henderson, I'm going to kick his ass. I flung the door open and saw Dustin standing there, and there she was, too, dammit. Why is she even here? And what the hell is she doing with Henderson?

"What are you doing, Henderson?" I looked at Dustin and then over at her. "What's she doing here?" I looked back over at Dustin.

"That's a good question..." Dustin smiled and looked over at her. "Want to tell him why, (y/n)." Oh shit, that's her name. How did I even forget that? I must admit she was cute, but I wasn't going to say a damn thing. She was pissed, which was hilarious; she gave Henderson a dirty look. Then she looked over back at me. This should be good.

"Yeah, you know what, Munson..." Holy shit, this was definitely going to be good; she was trying to stand up to me. It was cute. Intrigued, I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned into the doorframe. Her face turned a shade of pink, which was adorable. I had to shake that thought, though; I don't need her to think she's getting to me in any way. Yes, I find her attractive, but no way in hell would that ever happen. Not in this lifetime.

"I don't know what you think of me, Eddie, but I don't care. I wasn't talking to myself... I mean, I was, but I was trying to figure out how I was going to introduce myself to you." I arched my brow; I let her continue.  "Anyway, what happened was wrong. I'm not crazy, and no, I might not know how to play D&D, but I thought someone who knows the game could teach me. And that person who knows the game better than anyone is you."

Oh, hell no. I'm not going to do this today. I thought it was kind of funny, but it shocked me a bit.

"Is she serious?" I ask, pointing over at her with my thumb.  "Very." Dustin nodded. I looked back over at her, "No." I shook my head. "What do you mean no?" Dustin didn't look too happy.

"Dude, she's willing to learn, and she wants you to teach her; what's so wrong about that?" (Y/n) crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for me to answer.

"Henderson, you know how to play. Why didn't she ask you?" I asked as I walked out to smoke a cigarette. I've been smoking since I was like twelve, and for the longest time, my uncle didn't even know. There was a lot that man didn't even know about me.  But when he found out I smoked, he just lectured me about how addicting it is and that it's bad for me. What's funny about this lecture, he was doing it while he was smoking a cigarette.

"Eddie, you are the one she wants." I took a puff from my cigarette, and I looked over at (y/n), and her face turned a shade of pink again. She was getting flustered, and it kind of turned me on. (Y/n) seems like a nice girl, but she has to stay away from me. I'm no good for her. But I feel like she wouldn't stop until she did get me.

"What's in it for me?" I asked, taking another puff. She and Dustin looked over at each other, and she just shrugged. "Okay, if you teach her, I'll..." Dustin didn't know what to say. "How about you buy me some food and maybe some beer for a month." I gave (y/n) a smug smile. "Deal."  Dustin held out his hand for me to shake. I put the cigarette into my mouth and shook Dustin's hand. "Alright, I'll start teaching you next week, but not here." I threw his cigarette onto the ground and walked back into the house. "Wait, why not here?" She looked confused. "This isn't really the place to play this game; we need a bigger space. And I know the perfect place to go."

Dammit! I'm going to end up regretting this.

"Where exactly is that?" She looked kind of scared, and maybe if she's too scared, I won't have to teach her a damn thing about D&D.

"Over at Reefer Ricks. He's in jail right now, but he lets me use his place sometimes." That dumbass is always ending up in jail, mostly for having so much damn pot in his house and in his freaking car, and it's not exactly legal to have so much pot on you. But Ricks a good dude, and I've known him for years, and he is my dealer. I'm always buying pot off of him.

"Um, I don't know." (Y/n) didn't look too sure this was going to be a good idea, and she was right. It wouldn't be a good idea, and honestly, I want this conversation to end. At the same time, though, I could stand here all day just listening to her talk. "Okay." I slammed the door shut.  "Eddie, what the hell?" Dustin shouted and started banging at my door again.

I looked out the window and saw them walk away, I wasn't even trying to look, but I did notice that she had a nice ass. Son of a bitch! She turned back around, though, and walked over to the door, "
"Dammit Munson, fine, you can teach me at Reefer Rick's house, and Dustin will buy you food and whatnot." I opened the door and stuck my hand out
"Deal." She shook it, and I  gave her a real genuine smile.

Once they finally left, I went over to my room and took my beautiful electric guitar down from where I had it hanging and strummed away. Thoughts of (y/n) came flooding through my head, and I didn't mind one bit.

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