Chapter 39

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1 day till Prom

Eddie dropped me off at home by five thirty, I got dressed and ate some toast for breakfast. My mom and dad didn't leave for work yet and I had to talk to them about Eddie. I knew my dad wasn't too thrilled that he came by and took me out, and the fact that I didn't come home at ten like I was supposed to. They know that I broke up with him but I didn't tell them the reason. That was something I kept to myself. Because I'm sure if they knew the reason, they would hate him for it. It was my fault though, and I explained that to them, and I told him that I love him very much and that they need to stop hating on him. Eddie Munson is very misunderstood, and I mean by everyone, but I'm not going to let my parents feel the need to hate him just because he doesn't look like most guys.

I love Eddie for Eddie, not for what he looks like even though he is a very attractive guy. It's on the inside that counts, and as much as Eddie is hurting he would go out of his way to make someone else feel good. He's the type that would help anyone if they were ever in need. I told them that he would take care of me, and if the two of us decided to ever get married, then they had to realize I was going to be with Eddie and take care of him and be there for him.

"So please, just understand that he is the best thing that has ever happened to me."

"We understand sweetheart." My mom said.

"Thank you."

I looked at the clock, school starts in an hour and I told them that Eddie would be taking me to school. I gave them each a kiss and went out the door. When I turned around I saw Eddie was parked on the street.

He stepped out of his van and opened the door for me.

"Good morning sweetheart." He said kissing me on the lips.

"Good morning sweetie," I said giving him another kiss.

The ride to school was silent, but I wasn't going to let it get to me. Sometimes he's quiet when he drives and other times he's blaring Metal music on the radio. This is just one of those quiet ones, and I know something is weighing on his mind this morning but I'll wait till after school to ask him what's going on.

We get to school just in time, I see Dustin and Mike in the hallway and I walk over to them to say hi and bye and that I'll see them at lunch later on. Two classes later and I'm already exhausted. I pass Eddie in the hall give him a big hug and tell him I love him. Hopefully, that will make his day better.

At lunch, everyone is sitting at the table. Eddie and I sat next to each other and he started picking at my lunch.

"You can't have all my fries." I poke him with my finger.

"I'm not going to eat all of them." He said laughing.

"You better not." I tried to glare at him, but I couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay," Dustin chimed in. "Since Prom is tomorrow night, that means that Hellfire will have to be moved to tonight."

"Obviously," Gareth said.

"Okay, I'm assuming you're flaking out on us again Munson," Dustin asked.

"No, I'll be there tonight. I'll have to let my uncle know I won't be home till later."

"Good, that's all set then." Dustin went on to eat his lunch.

"How about I play tonight," I said.

"You want to play?" Dustin asked incredulously.

"Of course, I want to play, I haven't played in a while." I shrugged.

"She can play," Eddie said putting his arm around my waist.

"Okay." Dustin laughed.

Once lunch was over I went on to my next class. On the way there I saw Chrissy, I hadn't gotten the chance to apologize to her for my behavior.

"Uh, hi Chrissy."

"Oh, Hi." She looked like she was about to run.

"I just wanted to say I was sorry about the other day. I didn't mean to freak out on you the way I did."

"Look, I get it. I would've probably assumed the worst too if it were Jason and another girl."

"So you and Jason are good?"

"Yeah, we're fine." She smiled.

"Good, I'm glad." Even though Jason is a complete asshole.


"Alright, well I'll see you later." I waved goodbye and went into the classroom.

The day couldn't go by any slower. I was ready to go home or better yet go to Eddie's house and hang out with him. I still wanted to check up on him and see if everything was okay.

The bell rang and the teacher dismissed us. Just one more class to go.

"I'm sure everyone is excited for prom tomorrow." Our teacher said as she pumped her fists in the air. "Just remember no alcohol is allowed on the premises. I mean, no one should be drinking in general, it is a very bad idea. So I suggest no one comes to prom drunk or has alcohol with them."

Our teacher gave us a long lecture about alcohol and that's it's addictive and bad for us and that we shouldn't do it. I know that half the kids in this class already drink. Hell, I've had a drink here and there but I'm not an alcoholic. When it comes to drinking I'm not a big fan. Alcohol is pretty gross. And I know for sure that Eddie drinks beer and what not, but it doesn't bother me because he doesn't go overboard with it.

"And that's why..." before the teacher could finish her sentence the bell rang. "Okay, have a good weekend and have fun tomorrow night."

Everyone was practically running out of the school. I stood by the door to the classroom and waited for Eddie.

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