Chapter 65.

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A lot has happened these past few weeks.

The one thing that has gotten to me what Eddie finding his father and then he had to tell his Uncle. It didn't go so well. Wayne wanted to go find his brother and kick his ass.

I felt bad for Wayne, all these years he's been like a father to Eddie, he practically raised him. And now Eddie's dad is back, and he wasn't the best parental figure in Eddie's life. It was because of him that Eddie was always getting himself into trouble.

Poor Wayne was exhausted, he didn't even go to work. He just stayed in bed while Eddie went out to see his dad again. As of right now, his dad is hiding at Reefer Rick's house because he "escaped" when the fire alarm went off at the jail he was in. I thought about going up there myself to visit his dad, but Eddie said he didn't want me to.

I love Eddie with all my heart, and I wouldn't hurt him intentionally, but I will go see his father, whether he likes it or not. I think Eddie's just trying to protect me from his dad. I don't think his dad is dangerous by any means, he's just an idiot who doesn't think. Finding ways to get himself into trouble, and he bestowed that knowledge on his son. Thankfully Eddie has changed, and I think if I meet his father he will blame me for changing his son. The thing is, I never wanted to change him, he did that all on his own. Eddie did it all for me.

I'm sure he won't like it, but it's happening. I'm going to go up to Reefer Rick's house and meet his dad.

I pick up the phone and dial Dustin's number. After three rings he picks up.


"Dustin, it's me (Y/n)."

"Oh, hey, is everything okay?" He asked, sounding concerned.

"Yeah, yeah, everything is perfectly fine. I just wondered if you could do me a favor."

Dustin asked what kind of favor and I explained the situation, I didn't necessarily mention that his dad escaped. At first, Dustin was hesitant, he didn't think it was such a good idea.

Within an hour Dustin was at the door and I went outside and got on the bike with him. Of course, he had the whole gang with him, Lucas and Max and Mike was there with his girlfriend El and his other friend Will.

"Jesus Dustin..." I took him aside, "Why did you have them all come along?"

"To keep you safe."

"What do you mean?"

"What if this guy is dangerous? What if he tries to hurt you or something? Eddie talked about his dad quite a bit and from what we know he's always in and out of jail."

I appreciated the fact that they wanted to keep me safe and be there by my side. But this was something I needed to do alone.

"Look Dustin, I appreciate it, but I'm going to talk to him alone."

"The hell you are," Max said as she walked over to me and Dustin.

"Come on Max," I crossed my arms over my chest. "I get that you guys want to be there for me, this is something I have to do."

"Even though you're going against Eddie's wishes," Dustin said.

"I mean, I'm doing this for Eddie."

"Do you think he would want you to go to see his father? He told you that he didn't want you to, and you're doing the complete opposite."

"Alright, I am going against what Eddie said, but like I said I'm doing this for him and his Uncle's sake." Poor Wayne has been tucked away in his room all morning, and he only came out to use the bathroom. I did ask Wayne if he wanted anything to eat or drink but all he told me was that he was fine.

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