Chapter 9.

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Today is the day, the day Eddie Munson is going to teach me how to play D&D., I know for a fact that some campaigns can last up to a few days, to a few weeks, maybe even months. At least, that is what Dustin told me, and that is one thing I'm not exactly fond of. But this is what I want to do, and I want to know Eddie. I'm excited, but I'm nervous as hell.

I called Dustin earlier to let him know I'll walk to Eddie's house. Dustin didn't think it was a good idea, but I reassured him that I would be okay. I'm a big girl who can care for herself; I didn't need anyone to hold my hand. I wanted to walk anyway, to get some fresh air. And I wanted to take my time to get to his place. "Just be careful," Dustin said over the phone.

I left the house at 10 am, my mom and dad were getting ready to go to work, and I'm not even sure I'll see them tonight, but it doesn't even matter right now. I'm not even sure if they know where I'm going. I never even told them about Eddie; of course, they know of him, but they don't know anything about him. Eddie is the type of guy that keeps to himself most of the time, but when he's with his friends, he's an entirely different person. That's the guy I want to know if he lets me.

The walk would take a while, so I brought a water bottle. I took the first few steps and realized that I had butterflies in my stomach; this would be the first time I'll go to his place by myself. I'm unsure if Eddie knows this, but it doesn't matter. I need to do this. I've been dreaming of Eddie a lot lately, and most of them have been very naughty dreams. Whenever I wake up, I'm soaked from the wetness between my legs. These dreams get intense and feel so real, and as much as I would love for them to be, I'm not sure how I would get Eddie to just look at me. Deep down, I think he likes me, but he won't admit it.

"Okay, just another few steps, and I'll be out of my freaking yard," I say to myself. No one was around, and I live in a quiet neighborhood. Some decent families live around here, and every once in a while, I'll see a couple with their kids and playing with them, and it's so sweet to see, but then it reminds me of a childhood I've never had. "Enough." I shake the thought away; I have no time to reminisce about the past.

After an hour, I took a break from walking; my stomach started to growl. I didn't even eat anything for breakfast. I'm regretting all of this right now; I should just head back home and forget all of this. And I'm sure Eddie wouldn't mind. It's not like he wants to do this anyway.

"Yeah, too bad, dude," I said. Once I felt okay to walk again, I continue to my destination. I'm pretty sure I was going the right way, but I did stop once again to make sure. I look at my surroundings to make sure if it looks familiar, but then again, nothing looks all that familiar. I've never gone to his house alone, and the last time I went there, it was Dustin and me, and we left from Dustin's house. Dammit. It would be noon by the time I got to Eddie's place. I look around and see a pay phone; I head inside and put in some change and call Dustin's house.

"You're lost?" Dustin asked. "It's not a big deal; I'm pretty sure I'm going the right way." I wasn't sure, though; I didn't want to worry Dustin. I'm the one getting worried, though. I don't want to get lost; I just want to be safe.

"Okay, where are you now? Maybe I can help." Dustin sounded a bit more relaxed. I looked around and saw a street sign, "County Street." I told Dustin. "Alright, alright, so you will want to go back and take a right from there, and you'll probably see a street sign for 'County Road, take a left from there..." he continued with the directions, and hopefully, I would remember.

"How the hell do you know this?" I was genuinely curious. "I have a map of Hawkins right in front of me." Of course, he did. "Thank you, Dustin; I really appreciate it." After he told me to be careful again, I left the phone booth and walked towards County Road, and then I went left. Dustin told me to continue straight till I saw the police station, and I had to go from there, and that is when I saw the sign for 'Forest Hills trailer park' I freaking made it, and I didn't get robbed or murdered.

I went up to Eddie's door and knocked. I waited a few minutes before I saw an older man standing there. "Can I help you?" He asked, looking at me like I was selling something. "Hi, Mr.Munson. I'm here to see Eddie." That surprised him; I'm guessing Eddie didn't get many visitors.

"I'll go get him." Wayne Munson closed the door, and after another few minutes, it was Eddie that opened the door. My heart was pounding, and I felt the butterflies in my stomach again.
"Hi, Eddie." I gave him a small smile. But he didn't smile back. He didn't look too thrilled that I was here. Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

"I wasn't expecting you this early," he looked around, "and I wasn't expecting you to be here alone. I thought Henderson was coming to." Eddie stepped out and grabbed a cigarette from his pack that was in his pocket, took his lighter, and lit it.

"He said he had to clean his room or whatever. Lucas was over there, and they made a mess." At least, that's what Dustin told me. Eddie took a long drag from his cigarette while looking me up and down. I had to look away from his stare; I felt a little hot. My dreams from the other night were coming back, and I felt the wetness pool between my legs. Shit!

"Alright, we'll head out in just a second." He tossed his cigarette on the ground and went back into the trailer; he left the door open. I stood there, waiting; he turned around, "You coming?" I didn't know he wanted me to come in. I followed him in, though, and just stood there awkwardly. I never thought I would be at his place, let alone be inside of his place. His Uncle came out and saw me standing there; he crossed his arms and stared at me momentarily. He shook his head and smiled, laughing softly.

"Is everything okay?" Was he laughing at me?
"Oh, everything is just fine, darling; I'm just wondering what you and my nephew are up to?" My eyes went wide, "We're just... he's..." Oh my god, did he think that Eddie and I were sleeping together or something? Jesus Christ. Eddie's uncle began to laugh a bit louder this time. "It's okay. No need to be embarrassed. Besides, my nephew here doesn't even have a girlfriend." He whispered the last part.

"I can assure you, he and I are not together, and we never will be." The thought made me sad, but it was the truth. Eddie Munson couldn't even stand having me here. This was just a joke to him. Before his uncle could say anything else, Eddie walked out of his room; he didn't look any different. He still had his Hellfire Club T-shirt on; he did have his leather jacket with the jean vest over it. Eddie's hair was long, and it looked a bit messy, but I didn't care.

"Alright, Uncle, I'll see you later." Eddie grabbed his keys and was ready to head for the door. His uncle stepped in front of him, "If you excuse us for just a moment, darling." He said, looking at me; I nodded and went outside, waiting for Eddie.
"Believe me; you don't have to worry," Eddie said, walking out the door. He looked over at me and then walked over to his van.

The drive to Reefer Rick's house was silent, he had the radio on, and that was the only noise coming from the van. Eddie didn't speak a single word to me. This was going to be very fun. Not.

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