Chapter 12.

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Eddie's P.O.V

I guess it wasn't that bad. At first, I didn't even want to do this, and I didn't want to help (y/n) but whatsoever, but I did it anyway. She wanted to go for the most boring character she could think of, and there was no way I would let that happen. She seemed excited over the character I decided for her; I was freaking excited. This is why I love Dungeons and Dragons, and it's an escape from the real world. While people are being shitty, or being assholes, in the world of Dungeons and Dragons, you can be anyone or anything and just forget about real-world problems for a while.

"Just take a right over there," (Y/n) pointed towards the houses on the street. "That's my house right there." I pulled into the driveway. I noticed that there weren't any other cars here.

"Is anyone home?" I asked.

"No, it's just me tonight." She said I couldn't tell if she was sad or not. It seemed like she didn't even want to be home.

"Your by yourself?" I shouldn't pry; it's not any of my business. But in a way, I know what it's like to be by yourself, and honestly, I hate seeing others being alone. I'm always taking people under my wing. People who feel like they're an outcast, an outsider, someone who feels like they don't belong, I make them feel secure and remind them that they don't have to be alone. I would do that with (Y/n), but I don't think I should.

"I'll be okay." She reassured me, but I don't think she felt reassured.

"Is there no one else you can stay with tonight?" Dammit, Eddie, just stay out of it.

"I'll be okay." She repeated. She opened the door to the van and hopped out.

"I could've helped you down," I said.

She turned to me and smiled, "I know." (Y/n) closed the door and walked over to her front door. The least I could do was wait until she got in safely. Once she got in the house, I backed out of her driveway and went back to my place. Once I got there, my Uncle Wayne was passed out watching tv. There were a few cigarette butts in the ashtray next to him. I didn't even bother shutting off the tv, and I know damn well if I did that, he would wake right up. So I walked over into my room and shut the door.

I didn't bother taking my guitar down to play. Instead, I went into my bed and lay on my stomach. I couldn't fall asleep, though. I couldn't stop thinking about (y/n) and how cute she looked today. The way she would look at me and how excited she was getting about D&D. It just didn't feel right, though, her and me. I don't think it could ever work out. How could a girl like her want to be with a guy like me?

It was 3 in the morning, and I still couldn't seem to sleep. I stepped outside for a few minutes and saw a few other people sitting on their porches, smoking a cigarette and relaxing, looking up at the stars. When I was younger before my dad was sent to prison, there were be occasions when he would take me out, and these were the times when he treated me like his son. There were moments when he wasn't teaching me how to steal or to Hotwire a fucking car. There were moments when the two of us would go outside and just talk, and it didn't matter what it was. He would sit there and listen to what I had to say. Just for a little bit, I felt like one of the most important people in his life. But it wouldn't last forever.

I walk back in and notice that my uncle is no longer in the living room. He must've gotten up and gone into his room. I sit where he was earlier and change the channels on the TV. There wasn't anything really worth watching at 3 in the morning.

I slowly sat up from where I was sitting and realized the sun shone through the window. I must've fallen asleep when I got up to look in my uncle's room. He wasn't there. The clock on the wall said it was 8:30. Before I could get to the bathroom, the phone started ringing. "Hello?"

"Eddie, it's Dustin."
"What's up Henderson?"
"(Y/n) called just a little bit ago. She said that Lucas and I should come by and play some D&D with you guys." Of course, she told them; it would be nice to have them around, and at least it would be less awkward.
"Yeah, that's fine," I said.
"Cool. We'll meet you there at Ricks's house at five." Before I said anything else, Dustin hung up the phone.

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