Chapter 42

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Prom Day

Max, Lucas, and Dustin were at my house. I told them about the dream I had, they found it weird but they found it funny too.

"That is strange," Max said.


"Maybe you're afraid of commitment." Dustin pointed out.

Could he be right? I mean I've never had a boyfriend before and I am still a virgin. I've always imagined my wedding day, it was a church wedding and I'll be dressed in the most beautiful dress. It would have a long train and I would have my maid of honor be behind me and lift it from the floor. The flower girl would have a basket full of rose petals, pink and red ones. And all the girls at my wedding would carry a bouquet of an assortment of different flowers, like roses and pink orchids. I haven't spoken to my mom's side of the family in years, but I imagined them being at my wedding. If I do marry Eddie, what kind of wedding would he want? Would he want to have a big wedding? Or would he just consider it being us two and a few close friends and family?

There's no way I'm afraid of commitment. I love Eddie with all my heart and I want to marry him. More than anything. I want us to have a family someday. And I would love for them to look just like the love of my life. Marrying Eddie would mean the world to me and I am hoping he feels the same way.

"Don't think about it too much," Max said, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, it was just a dream anyway, not like your baby is going to end up with a guitar in his hands after he's born," Dustin said laughing, I couldn't help but join in.

It was ridiculous.

"Anyway," I say, changing the subject, "What do you guys plan on doing while I'm at prom?"

"Not sure, I think Lucas and I will head to Mike's house and play some D&D," Dustin said. "If he's not too busy talking to his girlfriend El on the phone. Am I right?" He asked, elbowing Lucas in the ribs.

"Ow, dude." Lucas hissed.

"What? I barely even got you."

"Yeah you did, you could've broken them."

And while those two argued I took Max aside.

"I'm nervous," I said, looking down at my shoes.

"What's to be nervous about?"

"This will be the first time I've gone out to a dance at school and it's going to be with Eddie and I'm not sure if he's going to want to dance."

"Is this because of the Chrissy thing?"

As if I needed a reminder. "No, it's not that," I said shaking my head. "It has nothing to do with that. It's just, that I don't want Eddie to feel like he's being forced into doing something he wouldn't be comfortable with. Ya know?"

"Not really."

"Okay, so how would you feel if you don't like dancing, or school dances, or anything to do with the school."

"I guess I would be miserable," Max said shrugging her shoulders.

"Exactly. And Eddie isn't a fan of dances or dancing, or Hawkins High in general. I don't want him to be miserable."

"He won't be, not with you being there with him. If he's willing to put all that aside, then you have nothing to worry about."

I was starting to feel a little bit better. Max was right, I'm just overreacting. There is nothing wrong with going to Prom, everything will be perfect tonight. Tonight is the night I lose my virginity, and that is a big deal to me.

Everyone sticks around, and we hang out in the living room just talking about prom, Max is glad that she isn't a senior yet, she doesn't like the whole idea about dances. Lucas mentioned the dance they went to back in Middle School, The Snow Ball.

"It was our first kiss." Lucas said putting his arm around Max. Dustin rolled his eyes.

"Okay, enough of this mushy shit." Dustin said.

"You're just jealous because I got to Max before you got to." Lucas replied.

"Yeah, no." Dustin shook his head. "It was obvious she wasn't going to go for all this. I will say she is missing out though, because I'm a great guy."

"Seriously you guys." Max rolled her eyes this time.

"What? It's true." Dustin said. "Just ask my girlfriend, she'll tell you."

"Oh yeah, the girlfriend that lives in another state." Lucas laughed. "The girlfriend I'm surprised is even still with you being so far away. It must be tough being in a long distance relationship."

"It isn't actually, it's great. I love her and she loves me, and she understands why we can't see each other right now."

Lucas and Dustin continue talking or I guess arguing about long distance relationships and Max and I leave them to it.

"It's still early, maybe we could order some pizza."

"That's a great idea." I said.

"I'll help pay," Max said pulling a wad of cash from her pocket.

"How did you get that?" I asked, impressed.

"Oh it was nothing, I just helped out some neighbors and they were willing to pay. How could I refuse?"

"Smart." I said as I reached for the phone.

I dialed the pizza place and ordered two pizzas, and as it arrived Max paid them and we brought it into the living room. We did let Dustin and Lucas know we were getting pizza but they were still talking about Dustin's girlfriend.

"Jesus, enough." Max said shouting at them.

"What?" Lucas asked. "I'm just glad that we're not in a long distance relationship."

"Do you want to be? I can make sure of it." Max said, crossing her arms over her chest.


"Alright then, shut up." Max sat down next to Lucas and handed him a piece of pizza.

After eating the pizza there was a knock at the door, and as Dustin and Max and Lucas kept talking I went to answer the door. It was the love of my life, Eddie. I welcomed him in and brought him into the living room.

"It's a party now." Dustin said getting up from the couch to get Eddie in one of those side hugs.

"Hey Henderson." He clapped Dustin on the back and looked down at the pizza. "Ooh, pizza." He took a piece and started eating it. I couldn't help but laugh.

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