Chapter 26.

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Eddie's P.O.V

Today is the first day back to school since spring break, and I haven't spoken to (Y/n) since I called her. I know she is still mad at me, so when I see her in the hall, I will find a way to speak to her. The first person I see is Chrissy Cunningham; she looked over at me and gave me a wave. There was a time when I actually felt something for her, but now I don't.

"Eddie." I hear Chrissy's voice; she's standing in front of me.

"Oh, hey, Chrissy." I scanned the hallway for (Y/n), not even looking at Chrissy.

"Um, so I wanted to thank you," this time, I looked at her, and I noticed that she was at least two, maybe three inches shorter than I was.

"For what?" I arched my brow.

"You were right. I wasn't thinking clearly that day I was over at your house."

I almost forgot that she was even there. It was only a few weeks ago, but it felt like years ago. Chrissy was desperate to buy drugs off of me, and I didn't feel too comfortable with it. I told her that she was better than that. "Yeah, I knew you weren't." I agreed with Chrissy; it was apparent she wasn't thinking clearly.

"I've been doing better; I mean, once in a while, I do think about it." She said defiantly.

"What do you mean?"

"There are times when my mother is being..." Chrissy looks all around her, and when she sees that no one is paying attention, "She tends to be pushy; my mother makes sure that I stay away from certain foods and that I need to stay thin because no one likes fat people."

What the fuck? "Wait, does she?" I didn't expect that. I've seen her mother quite often, and I know she cares for her daughter, but giving Chrissy that mindset is fucked up.

"Yeah. But I don't tell anyone that. I hate to admit it, but I mean, just the other day, I went out to buy my dress for prom, and of course, my mom had to find one that was 'the right size.'" She used air quotes. "Anyway, I saw (Y/n), and she was with that girl Max and those two guys, Lucas and Dustin."

Just hearing her name, it made me hard. I need to see her and tell her how I feel about her. "Wait, you saw her there?" I didn't want to sound too eager, so I tried to play it cool.

"Yeah." Chrissy nodded. "And she freaked out on my mom. (Y/n) yelled at her telling my mom it was wrong to call me fat, and my mom was about to go after her. I pulled (Y/n) away and told her what she did was wrong; I feel bad." Chrissy wrapped her arms around herself. "I told her to never speak to me and that she was a freak, and so was Dustin and Lucas and even Max."

The revelation startled me a bit, I get that Chrissy is a part of the 'popular' gang, but the fact that she called (Y/n) a freak wasn't like her. She's been around Jason for way too long.

"I didn't mean it, Eddie, honestly. I was just upset, and I was mostly upset with my mom, not with (Y/n)." Chrissy was visibly upset with herself; I wanted to reassure her that everything was okay.

"Chrissy, I understand if you were upset. All (Y/n) was trying to do was stick up for you. I don't think you had a right to call her a freak." I scolded Chrissy, but her eyes started to water. "I'm sorry, it's just that (Y/n) has become a friend of mine." I lied.

"I didn't know." Chrissy shook her head.

"Yeah." I looked back up and saw (Y/n) walking down the hall with Max, and they were laughing about something. "Chrissy, I have to go. I'll talk to you later." When I looked back up, (Y/n) caught my eye; she stared at me intensely.

"Oh, yeah, I'll talk to you later." Chrissy gave me a smile that barely reached her eyes.

I walked over toward (Y/n), but before I could get any closer, the bell rang for first period to start. Shit! (Y/n) hugged Max, and the two of them went in separate directions. I didn't want to go to class, but if I wanted to graduate, there was no skipping. I headed down the hall to Social Studies, took my usual seat, and stared at the clock most of the time. I wasn't even paying any attention to what the teacher was saying.

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