Chapter 31.

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It shocked me, I never thought Eddie would ever cancel Hellfire. Today he is because he wants to be with me. Just a few weeks back I was trying to get Eddie to teach me how to play D&D and now we're together. If you had asked me if I ever thought it would be possible for someone like Eddie Munson would be with me, I would laugh and think you were crazy. Why would he be with me? Even though it's still new, and he has reassured me a few times that he does want to be with me it's still hard to believe.

"You don't have to cancel Hellfire," I said.

"I know but I want to," Eddie replied quietly.

Everyone at the table was talking about Hellfire and that it was canceled. I looked over at them, and that's when it hit me.

"Eddie." I look over at him.


"You don't have to cancel."

"What do you mean?" He arched his brow.

"Who is the one person here at this table you trust completely."

"You." He answered.

I blush a little, I wasn't expecting his answer. "Okay, other than me."

"No one."

"Okay fine, who out of this group here would you trust taking over for the day?"

"I don't know." Eddie shrugged.

"Okay." I look back to everyone sitting at the table. I know Max won't even play D&D and Lucas probably won't even play. Then there is Dustin and Mike, they love playing D&D, and I know that Mike has been the Dungeon Master before.

"Why do I need to choose someone anyway?"

"Because they want to still have Hellfire Club today. Just choose someone to replace you for the day."

"Fine, I choose Henderson then."

"Just like that, you go with Dustin?"

"Yeah." He said nonchalantly.

"Alright, now tell them."

Eddie cleared his throat, "Alright everyone, I have an announcement."

Everyone went silent at our table and looked up at Eddie. Just by the way they gave him their undivided attention, you could tell they respected Eddie.

"(Y/n) has pointed out that I don't have to cancel Hellfire..." he looked at me and smiled. "Which is why I'm choosing Henderson to be my replacement," Dustin perked up.

"Only for the day though." Eddie reminded him.

"Thanks, Eddie. I promise I'll do my best." Dustin placed his hand on his chest.

"Okay, now that's settled..." Eddie looks back at me, "We have a date tonight." He winked.

"How could I forget." I laughed.

After School was over everyone went off to start D&D. Eddie and I were sitting in a booth at one of my favorite restaurants. My family and I would come here once in a while, but it's been so long. I told Eddie about it and he thought it would be fun to go. We talked all night long about what our childhoods were like. Poor Eddie had it a bit rough not having his parents around. But he's been doing well with his Uncle. Eddie told me it was his Uncle who taught him to ride a bike, how to drive, how to do most things.

I admired the man sitting in front of me. Just a few weeks back this man would not be telling me his life story. He would've kept to himself.

I am falling in love with Eddie Munson.

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