Chapter 30

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Eddie's P.O.V

"I'm not sad." (Y/n) said as she crossed her arms over her chest. I set her down on her feet after twirling her around, promising her I would take her out after school. But she still looked upset about something.

"Then what's the problem, babe?" I asked as I tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. I know there's something wrong, and I know it's not just because I forgot to call. There has to be something else.

"I just..." she looks down at her shoes.

"Please, tell me." The suspense is killing me. Is she having second thoughts? Is she not ready for a relationship with me? Is she regretting it already? We just started seeing each other, and if she wants to end it now, then shit!

"I know you told me that you don't have feelings for Chrissy, but I have a weird feeling that she likes you, and besides, there was that whole rumor..." That's what this was about; I freaking knew something was up. I already reassured her nothing was going on between me and Chrissy, and nothing ever did happen. Yes, a long time ago, I did like her, but it's not like that anymore, not since I've met (Y/n). She's all I've been thinking about.

"I told you, babe, I'm not interested in her. Yes, I used to be, but you know that already. Come on, let's get to school, and we'll talk more when I take you out." I open the passenger door to my van and help her to get in. Once she was in, I closed the door and ran to the other side to get in. The ride to school was quiet; I feared she didn't believe me. I laid my hand on her thigh and smiled over at her, she smiled back, but it didn't reach her eyes. This is going to be a long day.

Once we parked in the parking lot, I got out and walked around to her side. I opened the door for her, she took my hand, and I helped her out. "Have a good day today, babe; I don't want you to be upset." I kissed her on the cheek and brought her to her first class of the day. I was on my way to class when I saw Chrissy and Jason in the hallway. They were arguing about something. I tried not to listen, but they were being a little loud. As I walked by, Chrissy looked in my direction, and Jason followed where she was looking.

"Mind your business, freak." I heard Jason say as I walked past. I gave him the middle finger and continued on to class. For the first time in years, I was one of the first to get there early. There were only six students at their desks. The teacher was writing on the board as everyone else came walking in. The last bell rang, but some of the students still weren't in. That was me; I would be one of the last students to come to class. I guess being with (Y/n) has changed me just a bit.

"Mr. Munson, what a pleasure to have you here with us today." My teacher looked over at me, and the students laughed. I didn't let it bother me this time. The class went on, and I did my work, which was not normal for me. I would always make up some sort of excuse not to do it, and then I would get detention for it. There's been a few times I've been suspended, but it would never be my fault. I'll admit I have gotten into fights, but I would never be the one to start them; I'd finish them. One swing at me, I would knock the shit out of the person who threw their fist at me. I won't have someone come at me and them not expect me not to fight back. I'm a relatively easy guy to get along with. That's what people just don't seem to understand.

"Mr. Munson, I'd like to see you real quick." The bell rang for the next class, but my teacher stopped me from walking out.

"Is everything okay?" I asked curiously. I didn't need to get a detention, and I wanted to take my girlfriend out.

"I was going to ask you." My teacher said, folding her hands on her desk.

"Uh, yeah, everything is good."

"Good. I'm just not used to seeing you in class, especially being among the first to walk into class. It was just very shocking." She smiled at me.

"Yeah," I said, rubbing the back of my neck, "I just had a lot of stuff going on, ya know?"

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