Prepping for the Oscars 🏆

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Elyse pov

I woke up startled, by a loud ringing.

"Jesus Christ," I open my eyes and adjust to the light coming into the room. I curse myself and remind myself to close the curtains next time I sleep as the sun is coming in hot. I come to my senses and realize my phone is ringing.

As I go to answer, I see it is Dakota, face timing.

"Why are you awake right now?" I say groaning while jumping out of bed and shutting the curtains and running back to the warmth of my bed....

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you... I just didn't make the flight yesterday. I'm still in the East Coast time zone," she says and her voice sounds sick.

"Dakota, don't tell me you're sick," I say with a bit of sadness in my voice.

" I'm sorry babe, the flu hit last week on set and I tried to avoid it but look at me now," she says as she coughs.

Now that I am fully awake. I take a good look at her, and she doesn't look too good.

"That's okay. Take care of yourself. Sebastian is attending and will just have to replace you this weekend...Thanks for that, by the way, I wink at her... Rest. I'll speak to you soon then". I tell her.

"Enjoy and don't stress Elyse and try to have a good time... break a leg and tell Chris I said Hi," she says before she hangs up and I roll my eyes at her.

I decided to stay in bed a little longer since today is supposed to be a relaxing day.

Today's to-do list is a workout and go to the hotel booked for tomorrow.

I eventually ended up falling back asleep.

Soon I wake up on my own accord and check the time. Only to see it's now 12:30 in the afternoon.

I get out of bed, wash my face, brush my teeth and make my way downstairs, and make myself something to eat.

As I'm eating some toast, my stomach starts to cramp badly. I think nothing of it and I get a quick workout in.

After I've showered and changed for the day, I head back downstairs and Maria hands me my protein shake and tells me to have a good day.

I get a phone call from Haley, she tells me I'm needed sooner at the hotel. I get in the car, pop a Tylenol and drive myself to the hotel with a raging headache and sore back.

"Great start to this weekend," I mumble to myself.

Chris Pov

I grab my NASA cap and put it on as we are preparing for landing. I thank the flight attendant and the pilot as I'm waiting for my ride to pull into the airstrip.

The flight attendant asks for a picture. I happily take one with him. I tell him to have a good day as a car pulls in. I sit in the back and dial Scott. I let him know I had landed safely and to let Ma know.

" Chris, do not screw this, and all the best man," He says as I roll my eyes and hang up.

I stare out the window and look to see we were approaching traffic.

I check on Google Maps and notice it's going to be a long drive home with all this traffic. LA Traffic sucks, I mumble to myself, now feeling annoyed.

I was hoping I would be able to spend more time in Boston after filming, but I guess after this will have to do.

Finally, after a long two hours, I make my way inside my house.

I go take a quick shower and put on some shorts and a red T-shirt.

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