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Elyse pov

"Elyse, it's me, Chris; please open the door."

"Chris?" I mumble to myself, What is he doing here? Ugh, I don't need him to see me like this. What do I do?

"Umm, Chris, I need you to... Chris, I need you to bring Haley or Megan, please," I beg him. He stays silent for a while until I hear him.

"Elyse, just open the door; please trust me," he says.

Gosh, Chris, I can't because I look like a crime scene in here, I mumble.

"Chris, I can't... Chris... I... I... Chris, I started my period! I can't come out," I say, ashamed. I've never wanted to cry more in my life, as the tears are now falling...

"I know Elyse. I have something for you," he says, sounding unsure.

He knows? How does he know? He has something for me, what?

"Listen, Elyse, unlock the door, and I'll throw it in, okay? I hear him say it from the other side.

After a long silence, I'm a little unsure, and I unlock the door.

"Okay, it's unlocked." He opens the door, and a CVS bag flies in.

I open the bag and find some pads, sanitary wipes, chocolate, and muscle heat patches. Muscle patches? Are these for Chris? I go back to staring at the pads. I laugh and cry. I've never felt this loved or even cared about before. If Emily or Tony were here, they would tell you to suck it up. It's nature's course. Get up and move on.

I use the wipes to clean myself up. I put on the pad and flushed the toilet. Wash my hands and clean up my face. I opened the door, and my eyes saw a stressed-out Chris sitting on the little couch in the room.

"Chris?" I say, a little unsure.

Chris Pov

I knock on the door and hear her sobbing. It breaks my heart when she asks me to bring in Haley or Megan. I almost want to, but I know they should be here any minute.

"Elyse, just open the door; please trust me," I tell her. She eventually tells me she's on her period. She sounds so vulnerable. I ask her if she can unlock the door so I can just shoot the bag in.

After a few minutes, I heard the door unlock. "Okay, it's unlocked," she tells me, sounding a little unsure. I close my eyes, open the door a little, and throw the bag in. I look around and sit on the sofa in the room, waiting for her to come out.

It's been at least 10 minutes, and she's still in there.

Did I overstep? Is she okay? What is taking Megan so long? Does she need help with her dress? Do I offer her help? I don't even know her on a personal level yet. I sigh as I sit back on the couch and put my hands on my head. I did not imagine the night taking this turn.

I hear my name. "Chris," she says in a little voice. I didn't hear the door open, as I was so lost in my brain.

I look up at her. She still looks breathtaking. I feel the heat go straight to my dick. I try to ignore my thoughts again and focus.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" I asked her a little too fast! while getting up and walking towards her.

Elyse Pov

Chris is just standing in front of me now, asking me if I'm okay. Just as I'm about to answer, the door opens.

Haley walks in with Megan. Both Megan and Haley have stressed faces.

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