I Can Make You Feel Good 🤪

585 15 3

📍May 2016

Elyse Pov

I pushed the key into the door, stepping through to hold it open for Chris, who was carrying all the luggage.

"Home sweet home," he said, dropping the bags by the door.

"I want to go to bed," I said, rubbing my calves. After the proposal, we invited some friends over for dinner to celebrate, and we stayed up all night celebrating.

The following morning, we had a flight back home.

On the flight home, there was some terrible turbulence that caused us to land in Chicago, and our flight had been delayed a few hours.

Chris walks over to me, hooking his thumbs in the waistline of my leggings.

"Then why don't we, baby?" he said just before teasing my lips with a tiny kiss.

I link my arms around the back of his neck.

"Haven't you had enough of me, baby?" I'm thinking back to all the rounds of sex we had in the past 48 hours.

His eyes and voice turn dark with lust as he pulls my hips into his.

"I can never have enough of you, sweetheart. Let me relax those muscles for you," he said as he effortlessly lifted me into his arms.

He cradles me between them, carrying me into the bedroom. He gently places me on the bed, and without ever breaking eye contact, he kneels on the floor beneath me.

Moving so achingly slowly, he removes my shoes one at a time. He slides his hand up my leg, gently massaging each of my aching calves as the other hand pulls off my socks.

He lifts my shirt and kisses my stomach as he pulls down my leggings. He then slides his hands into my leggings, giving my ass a squeeze before sliding the fabric onto the floor.

He looks up at me, licking his lips, and he pulls my pants to the floor.

I run my fingers through his fluffy hat hair and pull him close to me, hugging him. He was warm.

Chris wraps his arms around my thighs and lifts me up to set me back down on the bed, pulling my shirt up over my head.

"Chris, I..." He pressed a finger to my mouth before I could finish.

"Shhh. Let me take care of you," he said as he leaned into me, kissing softly from my sweet spot down my neck, over my collarbones, and down between my breasts.

Reaching behind my back, he easily unclips my bra, pulling the straps down my arms before tossing it aside.

He wrapped both arms around me, nuzzling his face into my chest. His hands were everywhere, gently stroking every muscle they could find as he kissed, nibbled, and sucked on my neck.

He pulls his shirt off as I reach out for his jeans, undoing his belt, sliding it slowly from his pants; unbuttoning his jeans, pulling the zipper down;  sliding them down his legs, all without looking away from his dark eyes. I reach into his Calvin's, craving the sight of him, when he stops me.

"Not yet, baby."

He leans down, kissing me deeply this time as he pushes me back onto the bed. He flips me around on the bed, and I yell.

I'm on my stomach as Chris is straddling my legs, sitting just below my ass. He grabs the body oil from inside his nightstand, warming it between his hands before rubbing it onto my skin.

I moan out, as it feels too good. This is the first time I'm getting a massage in such a long time, as I didn't want someone else touching me the way Chris can.

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