Why is Everybody Sneaking Around...👀

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Elyse Pov

I am in the car with Scarlett and Dakota.

We are going out on a girls's day. This morning I woke up to go find Chris since he wasn't in the room, heading toward the gym.

As I was heading down the hall, I heard chattering in the living room.

I walk towards the living room, and I see Seb, Scott, Steve, Scarlett, and Dakota laughing away at something Chris has said.

I walk in closer, and they all freeze.

"Morning, baby, you're up," Chris says, coming towards me and hugging me.

"Why don't you get dressed? Dakota and Scarlett want to take you out today," he says, rubbing my ass.

"Uh, okay," I say and turn around, walking back towards the bedroom.

In the shower, I wondered why it was a full house on a Saturday morning and why they all got quiet when I walked out. I didn't like that.

I get out of the shower and walk into the closet, and Chris scares me.

He was standing in the closet, looking for something.

"CHRIS!" I scream.

"You scared me, baby. I thought you were outside with everyone," I say, grabbing my chest and trying to breathe.

"Sorry, babe, I came to grab something. I can't find it. Oh well," he says, walking towards me.

"So since you're going on a girl's day, I invited the boys to watch a game, and then at night we're having a date night here," he says, hugging me. I hum in his chest.

"That's why everyone was here when you woke up. Sorry, baby. Dakota and Scarlett just showed up this morning wanting to spend time with you," he tells me, rubbing my back.

"We have a date night today." I ask, looking up at him.

"Yeah, baby.. Don't worry about it; it's just dinner and a little something," he tells me, and I look at him searching for something else, but he doesn't give in.

He lets go of me, tells me to get dressed, and walks back outside.

"Date night, huh? "I think to myself... I don't remember.

I walk over to my side and pick up a dress I bought in London a few days ago. It is a red midi floral dress with a sweetheart neck, high-waisted v-neck, and tie straps.

I loved my dresses with tie-straps. I decided to wear this because it's very hot in LA. I grab some Hermes sandals and slip them on.

I curl my hair and part it down the middle, and I decide against makeup and just apply a moisturizer and some lip balm.

I grab the gold bracelet Chris got me for Christmas and smile, as I have had another charm on it since Christmas. It now has a little gold heart, along with a gold Saturn pendant. I smile, thinking back to the inside joke between me and Chris.

I grab my purse and head out to the kitchen. I see the boys are already sitting down on the couch, invested in the game.

I walk over to them and greet them, and I pull Chris in for a kiss, and he tells me I look so sexy. I smirk and try pulling away.

I walk towards the kitchen, grab a smoothie Chris made earlier, put it in a plastic cup, and walk out to where the girls are waiting for me.

I hug them, and they tell me the plan for today.

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