Home Alone 2 🎥🍿🎬

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Chris Pov

I try to get up, but I can't. I am being held down by something. I open my eyes and adjust to the bright light blinding my eyes. I look around and see Elyse sleeping on my chest, mumbling something, and cuddling more into my chest. I hum and rub her back. I try to move my leg, as it is now numb from leaving it in the same position for a while now. I grab the TV remote and turn off the new movie playing on the screen.

After our little lunch date, I wanted to watch A Charlie Brown Christmas with Elyse to end our night, and Scott ended up crashing that plan for the best. Scott ended up staying the rest of the night and helping me get the last of the lights around the house and decorations outside, and he and Elyse are, I would say, good friends now. They got along great and fast. I was a little worried. During dinner, I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open as I was getting exhausted from the day, and Elyse suggested we watch the movie today.

I was so surprised when she wanted to go to Ma's annual dinner tonight. I mean, it was just our family, but still, I knew she was a little nervous, and I told her she had nothing to worry about. I won't leave her side, and Scott and Ma will be there, and she has already met them.

It was around 11 a.m. when we started watching the movie, and Elyse enjoyed it so much she wanted to watch another movie. We landed at Home Alone 2, and midway through she fell asleep and snuggled closer to me, and I let her. I remember pulling the blanket to cover her, but I don't remember when I zoned off with her.

I look down, and she looks so beautiful. Elyse is recovering faster than we thought. The only thing that is bothering her are the stitches. Half of them are gone, and she is just waiting for two of them to dissolve. Other than that, everything is fine.

I take my phone. It is now 5:30; we should start getting ready to head out to Ma's soon. I get a selfie of us, and I rest my head on her head and hug her, and I see her moving around, and she looks up, smiles, and awkwardly gets up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep on you," she says.

"Well, I'm glad you did, sweetheart," I say, grabbing her face and rubbing her cheek.

I have been waiting to kiss her, but I just don't know when the right moment is or if she will be the one to give in first.

We need to get ready if we want to make it in time for dinner," I tell her, and she nods and gets up, and we go to our rooms and get ready to head out.

Elyse pov

Chris and I are getting ready to leave for his mother's house.

This morning we hung out in the living room watching Christmas movies and admiring last night's hard work. The tree looked so beautiful and bright as we lit it up. Chris had the fireplace going.

We were taking things slowly as we were sitting next to each other just holding hands. During the film, I just felt Chris staring, and I suggested we watch another movie. I don't remember cuddling with him, but his chest was just so comfortable, and the scent was so comforting that I couldn't help but fall asleep.

I'm glad we got a mini-power nap in. I'm feeling a little refreshed, but I'm still a little nervous about meeting everybody tonight. Last night was so magical and special for me. Despite the circumstances, Chris still managed to pull off a great night that I will not forget. I at least got along great with Scott, as we had been texting earlier this morning. I'm more nervous about meeting Chris's sister and his niece and nephew. I have been around kids, so I have no idea if they will like me or what to expect.

I decide on some jeans and a white knit sweater. I grab my phone and walk out to the kitchen. I need some water to calm my nerves a little. I see Chris walking up to me. I go to hug him. He rubs my back and tells me everything will be okay.

After he locks up the house and helps me into the car, We start to drive, and I smile as it is now dark out and the houses are lit. It also happens to be snowing. I feel like I'm living in a Hallmark movie.

The car ride was about 20 minutes away from Chris' house. We pull into the neighborhood. I see a lot of cars and Lisa's driveway. I look at Chris, and he takes my hand and says there's nothing to be worried about.

He parks the car in front of the driveway and gets out and takes my hand, and we walk up to the step. I pull on his hand and stop him before he opens the door. I tell him I'm nervous, and he tells me to just be myself and everything will be just fine.

Chris doesn't even knock on the door and simply walks in.

"Ahhhh, you guys made it! I hear Chris's mother yell from across the room, as all eyes are on us now.

"We did, Ma," Chris replies as he takes my hand and brings me through the foyer to the dining room, where everyone is seated.

Before anything happens, a dog tackles Chris to the floor.

"Ahh, Buddy-Buddy," Chris gets up and introduces me to Tucker Evans, the youngest Evans. I get on my knees and give the stinker loads of belly rubs.

Lisa comes over and gives us both a hug, and Scott comes over and does the introducing for me before Chris can get a word in.

The kids all line up and introduce themselves, and I can't help but feel a little overwhelmed.

Chris, later on, introduced me to his sisters and their families, and before we knew it, we were seated. I am sitting in between Scott and Chris. I grab Chris's hand under the table, and he gives my hand a squeeze.

We are all enjoying a good dinner, and I thought I was going to feel like an outsider, but surprisingly, Evans has this charm to them that you don't. I feel like I've known them for years, and Carly and Shanna are already on my side for a few arguments or conversations that were being talked about at the dinner table.

Shanna started talking about something about Chris's past girlfriend, and before she could continue, his mother shut down the conversation. Chris let go of my hand, smiled back, and told me he would tell me later and not to worry about it. She pulled Shanna aside and asked us to clear the room and start the movie while they both got dessert.

Chris grabs my hand and rushes to the living room.

"Chris, why are we running? What's the big rush? I question it, as we are practically running.

"The big rush is... look now we don't have a spot on the couch, honey," he says. I look up and see the seating situation. There are blankets everywhere. It low-key looks like a massive blanket fort, all comfy, and popcorn and snacks are everywhere, including pillows.

"We take movie night very seriously," Carly jokes, getting up from her seat and offering it to me. I take a seat next to the children, and Stella sits in my lap.

Just then, Lisa and Shanna walk in with milk and what looks like her famous cookies, and everyone is eyeing the plate. Shanna takes her seat, and so does Lisa. Just as the movie starts playing, Chris is just looking around for a place to sit as Scott turns the light off. I place Stella next to her brother and get up and walk over to Chris.

I take his hand and lead him to my spot and push him to sit down, and I sit in his lap and cuddle into him, and it is just perfect.

Chris wraps his arm around me and kisses my head. Lisa places the cookies on the table, and they are gone within seconds. I started to laugh, as Chris was not joking the other night about those cookies.

Chris smirks as he has a cookie in his hand and breaks it in half, giving me some, and we both laugh. I get comfortable, and we notice the movie playing on the TV is Home Alone 2.

"Try not to fall asleep, sweetheart. I hear him chuckling, and I slap his chest, and we enjoy the movie as everyone is looking at the screen, enjoying their cookies and milk.

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