Who Invited Him... 💔

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📍One month later..
📍 Boston, MA

Chris Pov

My eyes fluttered open, and I saw Elyse sleeping on her back with her back toward me. It was like she could read my thoughts, and she turned around on her back. I see goosebumps on her soft skin. I moved closer, pushing some of her hair behind her ear.

The bedsheet no longer covers her and is below her waist.

My eyes roamed her body, lingering on her breasts as her nipples were hard from the air hitting them.

I felt myself harden at the sight and moved closer, brushing my lips gently on hers before sliding them down her neck, between her breasts, and until her belly.

Slowly, I lifted the bedsheet off and pushed her legs apart. My eyes immediately stopped on her inner thighs, and I couldn't hide that I was getting hornier by the second.

I ran my middle finger along her slit and bit my bottom lip before pressing it at her entrance. I watched it sink inside her and felt my dick twitch.

"Fuck, sweetheart, why are you already so wet?" I whispered to myself, knowing she couldn't hear. "I wonder if she's having a wet dream again?"

I remember last week, I went to the gym, and when I came back, Elyse was asleep, taking a nap on the couch while she was having a wet dream.

The thought made my heart jump in my chest.

I look up to see her still asleep as I gently rub my wet fingers against her clitoral area and on her folds before bringing them to my lips to suck on them.

"Fuck..." I muttered against her, closing my eyes for half a second and opening them again.

I held her thighs open and ran my tongue up to her clitoral area. I felt her squirm slightly, and I stopped for a second as she moaned softly.

My cock was now fully hard and pressed against the mattress. I pushed my hips down to get some relief as I slipped my tongue inside of her to taste her better.

This time, she whimpered and tried to close her legs, but I held them hard; my fingers were sinking into her skin. I took my tongue out before pushing it back in, and her hips jerked up.

I could feel Elyse squirming around. I started to focus on her clitoral area, and that's when I realized she was now fully awake.

Elyse's hand was now on my head, pushing me closer, and her hips ground up, pushing herself against my face as she moaned.

Elyse Pov

I woke up, and I felt pleasure in my whole body.

I slowly open my eyes and see Chris eating me out, and I can't help but give in and close my eyes and pull him closer.

My heart is beating so fast because it feels so good. I try to close my legs, but Chris has a tight grip on them as he sucks away.

"Oh fuck, baby—ahh." I whimpered so low I barely heard myself. "Don't stop

Chris is humming against my chest, sending me over the edge, and I arch my back, gripping my pillow.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god- Chr- sh-shit!"

I pushed myself against his fingers as my orgasm got stronger, reaching every single part of my body. It took me longer than I thought to come back from my high, and when I looked at him again, his lips were parted and he was staring at me.

"Fuck, baby, you look so sexy when you cum," he says.

I grabbed him up, and he crawled on top of me and brought his lips to mine, and I could taste myself as our tongues danced.

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