A Small Case of Appendicitis...🏥

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Third-Person Pov

Elyse slowly moans as she feels two cold hands shaking her. She moans out in pain as her abdomen feels swollen. She opens her eyes to see that she's on the couch. Chris still has a look of worry on his face as he sees her trying to open her eyes.

Looking up, Elyse sees a worried Chris; she's about to sit up when he pushes her back down.

"Please don't get up, Elyse; I'm going to go get you a glass of water," he tells her.

"Chris, don't, Please don't leave me alone," she whimpers as tears leak from her eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere, Elyse. Please let me get you some water, okay?" She nods as he goes to the kitchen, rushing to grab her some water. Tears continued flowing out of her eyes as she whimpered in pain.

Elyse sits up a little, despite her attempts to wipe her tears. The tears just kept on coming in as the pain in her side became sharper and sharper. She stayed incredibly still, scared that any sudden movements would just make it worse.

Chris comes back with some water, kneeling in front of her and rubbing her legs up and down. He had never seen anything like this before. He debates calling Ma.

Elyse takes a few sips of water. She has a sudden urge to vomit. Without warning, she projectile vomited onto Chris's shirt as a cold sweat broke out across her forehead. She falls back onto the couch as the pain gets worse. She's turning a pale color, and her skin is burning up fast.

Chris springs into action, not caring about his shirt, and grabs a bowl full of trinkets on the coffee table. He dumps the contents and hands them to Elyse in case she has to vomit again. He grabs his phone as Elyse vomits a second time, and he quickly reaches behind her and rubs her back. However, a moment later, his hand went completely still, and his blood went cold.

"There's blood. His voice trembled as he looked in the bowl and down at his white shirt.

His hands were shaking as he dialed his mother's This was not supposed to happen tonight, he thought. Ma picks up the phone after redialing since she didn't pick it up at first and she's a little groggy. His voice trembled as he explained what had happened. She told him to drive Elyse to the hospital asap, and she would meet them there.

"Elyse, I'm taking you to a hospital," Chris says.

"Nooo... Chris, please no doctors... Prom-ise me no.. doctors," she says as her condition weakens. Elyse hated going to the doctor. The hospital is the last place she wants to be right now. The pain just lingers, and she knows she doesn't have another option after a while and gives in. All she wants is her mom to be there to comfort her like she used to when she got sick when she was younger.

"I'm so sorry, Chris. I'm so sorry," she whimpers as she opens her eyes to look at him.

"Hey, you have nothing to apologize for, okay? She nodded silently.

"I'm going to grab a few things. Can you lie down while I grab them and we can go okay, sweetheart, can you do that? All Elyse can do is nod.

Chris rushes to his closet to grab two random hoodies as Elyse is shivering. He helps her get it on. And puts his on as it's cold outside. While still in the shirt, Elyse threw up without a care in the world.

"Now I'm going to pick you up really carefully and carry you down to the car, okay? And you're going to hold on to this bucket in case you need it, okay? She nods.

The streets weren't too bad, as the snow had stopped falling a few hours ago. As Chris drives off. He hated to see that Elyse was hurting. But he can't think about that right now as he needs to get to the hospital fast. Chris sees that Elyse is about to pass out again.

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