Crashing First Dates... 🎄🍿🍴🌹

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Chris pov

Elyse is passed out on the couch after telling me everything she's been through. I would have never imagined in 100 years that her life would be like this. I am truly disgusted with her aunt and uncle's actions. Nobody should treat children like that.

I smile at the thought of how Elyse feels comfortable around me and wants to tell me everything that's happened so far. I recall looking back at her scars, and I want to hurt those motherfuckers who hurt her like this. I told her we would go at her pace, and that's why I'm not going anywhere.

I bring her back to her room and close the door. I'm happy she got along with Ma tonight. They were talking like they'd known each other for a while, and that's really rare for me. I've never met anyone like her before. I mean, she enjoys Planet Earth. I can't wait for tomorrow's date... She also mentioned she's never been on a date before, so I want to make it a night to remember.

Elyse told me she has feelings for me. I smile... I'm thinking about what to plan for tomorrow for our first official date as I brush my teeth. I decide to have lunch and get to know each other, and I'll go get a Christmas tree so we can decorate it together. I smile as I lie in bed, excited about tomorrow. While staring at the ceiling, I can't help but feel like I'm falling in too deep with Elyse. I'm falling in love with her.

I wake up in the morning feeling fresh. I take a quick shower, check on Elyse, and decide now is the perfect time to go and run some errands. I end up at Target, and I buy a fake tree as all the real ones are sold. I grab some Christmas lights and matching Christmas PJs. And head to pay.

Elyse pov

I wake up feeling refreshed.

I feel much better now that my incision has healed a little. I try to get out of bed and succeed. I carefully make my way over to the bathroom and shower after getting ready for the day. I feel good to be able to do things, but I'm not complaining. I walk outside and notice Chris is not home. Maybe he went on a run or something; I don't think much of it. I decided to make some breakfast for us.

As I'm plating the eggs, Chris walks in and smiles.

"I see you're feeling much better," he smirks as he takes a seat as I hand him a plate.

I have a seat next to him, and we eat our breakfast. He asks me how I'm feeling, and we talk about other things. As we finish, my phone rings, and I see it's Dakota. He tells me to take it, as he can clean up since I cooked. I smile and walk off.

Dakota and I talked for about an hour, and we talked about everything that had happened so far. She lets out a big scream when I tell her I have admitted my feelings to Chris. I think she shattered my eardrums, honestly.

As we're talking, I see a piece of paper slide down the door and see it's a note from Chris, asking me to join him in the basement for our date. I tell Dakota, and she starts to FaceTime me. Offering to help me pick out something to wear.

Chris usually keeps his house warm, so I don't have to worry about being bundled up. I picked out a black maxi dress. I tell Dakota I'll talk to her soon and start to get ready.

Chris pov

While Elyse is busy on the phone, now is my chance to plan everything. I make her a cheesy note and slide it down her door and tell her to stay in there till 11:30, which gives me about 30 minutes to set up everything.

I put some music on from the record player, cleaned up the kitchen, and set our little lunch date on the table. She's still on soft food, so I tried to make her bread and soup a little fancy. Once everything is set up, go upstairs, change, put on a suit, and wait downstairs for her.

Elyse pov

I finish getting ready, look at myself in the mirror, and smile. I'm a little nervous, but a good nervous. I open my door, and I hear some romantic music. I walk towards the kitchen, and I can't help but smile. I notice Chris standing in a handsome suit, and he has set up a little lunch date for us. He walks up to me and grabs my hand, leading me to the table and pulling my chair out.

"You- Wow Elyse.. You look just wow," he says, and I blush.

Chris takes his seat and lifts the dome off the plate, and I laugh, as it is some soup with toast and cookies from last night.

"This is perfect; thank you," I say as I dig in.

Chris smiles.

We fall into a heartfelt conversation about our childhoods, and he tells me about his family.

Chris tells me how he has an older sister, Carly; she's married to Ryan, and they have three kids. Ethan, Miles, and Stella He has two younger siblings, Scott and Shanna.

I smile ear to ear as he tells me about his childhood, and I tell him stories from when I was little. After our lunch is done, Chris tells me he has a surprise for me and asks me to close my eyes.

"Surprise," he says, and I open my eyes. He hands me a Christmas PJ set, and he has the same one in his hand.

"I thought maybe we could change... even though you look amazing, we can decorate the Christmas tree I bought and make this house a little more festive," he says as he grins.

I jump into his arms. "Yes, please," I reply and quickly go to change. When I come back outside, I see Chris has already taken out the tree and placed it near the fireplace next to the TV.

We get to work decorating the tree while playing 20 questions and getting to know each other a little more. We take a few photos, and Chris goes to the kitchen to make some hot chocolate while I finish up the living room with some throw pillows and little knick-knacks.

Chris calls me into the kitchen, handing me a warm cup of hot cocoa, just as we are about to watch some Charlie Brown. Chris said the only tradition he had in his house was to watch Charlie Brown movies, no matter the occasion. Whether it's Halloween, Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas, he always watches the special. I had never seen the special and was so shocked. I was now adamant we had to watch the Christmas special, and I didn't have a choice. It warmed my heart.

Just as Chris goes to play the movie, the doorbell rings, scaring the both of us.

"Are you expecting someone?" I ask him as he gets up.

"No, not that I know of," he responds, walking over to the door and opening it. A tall man walks in and hugs Chris.

"Scott, what are you doing here?" Chris says as Scott walks further into the house.

"You called me here to help decorate the outside of your house, silly," he says, and they both walk in, and Scott sees me lying on the couch.

"You must be Elyse," Scott says, rushing towards me.

"And you must be the iconic Scott," I say, and he blushes.

Chris confessed earlier how he didn't know who I was, how Scott was the one to break the news, and how Scott had a little crush on me even though he was attracted to the other sex. I laughed and thought it was adorable, and I had a feeling I was going to get along with him just fine.

Chris apologizes for Scott crashing the date, and I tell him it was okay as we ended up getting along great. Right now, the both of them were outside finishing up the last-minute touches to the lights they had been putting up for the past hour.

I was inside on Facetime with Dakota, catching up some more, until Chris came inside to grab me for the final reveal of the lights, and both brothers had really proud smiles on their faces as the house lit up and looked so magical.

We had asked Scott to have dinner with us, but he had to go to Chris's mom to help her with something for dinner tomorrow. Scott made me promise him I would make an appearance, and he was so happy and glad we got along.

I am currently in the bathroom getting ready for bed. Chris ended up ordering some Panera, and we enjoyed dinner. Chris told me it was okay and we could stay at home tomorrow and we didn't have to attend the dinner, and I told him I wanted to go. He seemed a little surprised but smiled back, and we said our goodnight and called it a night. Since it was really late and Chris was yawning throughout dinner, I suggested we watch Charlie Brown tomorrow afternoon before heading out to his mother's place.

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