Critical Condition 🆘💔‼️

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Chris Pov

After dropping off Elyse at the airport, I kiss her goodbye and leave my NASA cap with her. I'm pulling out of the airport exit and wondering if I should have just gone with her. I know it's only a five-day trip, but I had this fan meet-up this weekend.

I really wish I was on the plane with her to comfort her like I always do. I push these thoughts back into my brain, and I ask the dogs if we should head over to Ma's since it is on the way over to our home.

I called Ma and let her know I was coming over. It had been a while since I had seen her. The last time I saw my family was at the Infinity War premiere in New York.

I took my whole family, and we actually stayed and watched the film. I remember how proud everyone was of the film, and the reaction on Elyse's face was priceless.

She has been begging me to tell her what happens in Endgame. Marvel has given the fans a sneak peek into Endgame, and the fans are eagerly waiting for it to come out.

Hell, my brother-in-law Ryan is also trying to get it out of me. Marvel has trained us actors so well that it's not coming out of my mouth no matter what happens.

I want to see her reaction on the big screen with a crowd of people. I laugh, thinking back to the memory of when Elyse, Scott, and Ryan ganged up on me to try to get something out of me when I was drunk.

We have been trying to get pregnant for a few months now, and we are just leaving it to the universe now, but I do make sure to wear a condom or not cum in her when I want to tease her in the sex room or a quickie.

Just because I want our baby to be conceived out of sweet lovemaking. We are planning a vacation to Ireland when we come back, and I'm excited... I know she is having a hard time with her body changing after getting off of her birth control, and her periods have been really bad the first two months.

She couldn't even get out of bed; she was so weak, but she told me it was all worth it to get mini Chris was running around one day, and my heart melted when she said that.


I pull into Ma's driveway, get the dogs, and walk over to the door. As I walk in, the dogs run in behind me, attacking Ma with kisses and licks.

Ma makes some dinner, and we catch up on everything going on. I have been trying to start a website with my buddy Mark.

It was an idea that came to me when I was researching something and failed. We are still in the process of coming up with what we want to do.

If it's a website or an app, it's still tabled for discussion. Who knows? Maybe it won't even happen. I sit down and eat with Ma and then head home.

Since I had a late lunch and an early dinner, I decided to get a workout in and head downstairs to the basement and have a good session. I looked outside and saw the dogs still had a lot of energy, especially Dodger, and I put on a jacket.

We go on a walk to hopefully tire them out. When I come back from our walk, I start to miss Elyse's presence.

Our home feels so empty without her giggles and her puppy voice talking to the dogs. I walk up the stairs after shutting everything off downstairs, and the dogs follow me, hot on my trail.

I walk into the bedroom, and Dodger runs and jumps on the bed, as it's his favorite thing to do, and Buster likes the bed, but he always sleeps on his dog bed in front of the window. He walks around on his bed, stops, and flops down.

I always get a good laugh when Buster's ears flop. I walk into our bathroom, turn on the shower, get undressed, and shower.

I walk into the closet, grab some underwear, put them on, turn the lights off, and head back to brush my teeth. I'm brushing my teeth, and I see Elyse's earrings sitting out next to her bowl sink.

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