My Happily Ever After ❤️

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September 27, 2018

I am sitting in the closet holding a pregnancy test in my hand, and it is positive.

After I had recalled my memories. We had spent the whole next day wrapped up in each other, making love... For our marriage anniversary, we renewed our vows in our backyard with friends and family.

Everyone was so happy that night. We took a family trip to Alaska with everyone. Chris and I had so much sex to the point where I couldn't walk for two days and had to pretend to be sick, and in the back of my head, I feel like Ma knew I wasn't really sick.

Let's just say Scott was really upset when we disturbed his sleep one night and ended up moving out of the cabin to book a little cabin of our own, and now that I'm thinking about it, this is probably how I am pregnant now.


Chris is on a walk with the dogs. I don't hear him come in, and I hear the dogs running into the closet.

"Sweetheart, I was thinking maybe for lunch we could go into the trail and have lunch by water."

"Elyse, is that what I think it is?" I see Chris standing from afar.

I nod, and he runs over.

"You're pregnant," he says. Chris is now standing in front of me and getting on his knees in front of me. I cupped his face...

"We are pregnant, Mr. Evans," I say with tears in my eyes.

Chris takes the test out of my hand and looks at it closely. He grabs me and starts to kiss me and spin me around the room, and when he realizes he is spinning, he stops and puts me down.

And gets on his knees, lifts my shirt, and kisses my belly.

"Sorry little bean... Daddy is so excited to meet you," he says, hugging my waist, and I am crying.

Dodger and Buster are just looking at us with their heads tilted and start barking, nudging our legs.

"Bubbas, you're going to be big brothers." I say as I pet their heads and wipe my tears.


We had made a doctor's appointment, and she confirmed I was 10 weeks pregnant. That same afternoon we were headed to Ma's home for lunch, and when we pulled into the driveway, we noticed everyone was over, and we told them the good news, and everyone was over the moon and treated me like a fragile leaf.

The next few hours, Chris had a couple of meetings and was stuck in his office. The whole day, I was on the couch watching some Grey's until I fell asleep on the couch and I felt Chris carry me into bed.

"I love you so much," Chris whispered as he started to pull the sheets over my body.

"Don't leave me," I whispered, tugging at his hand.

"I want to cuddle, handsome.

"Alright baby, scoot over," I hear him say as he takes off his shoes. He gets in with me, and we both fall asleep with Buster by my side and Dodger on our feet.

I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and while I was washing my hands, I just got lost in my thoughts.

I didn't notice Chris coming behind me, and he was sacred to me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. You okay, baby?"

I nod as he puts his hands on my belly from behind and kisses my neck.

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