PR Relationship? 💌

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📍 London

Chris Pov

I wake up with a huge headache because I'm hungover. Last night Renner and I went hard at pre-drinking before the premiere. Now I remember all those shots I was taking back like nothing.

ughhhhhhh... I was supposed to be on a flight back to LA right now so I could go back to Elyse, but I had a little too much to drink last night and don't remember most of the night.

I groan while getting up to grab some Advil and orange juice and drink them. I'm looking for my phone and can't find it.

I walk over to the couch and pick up my jacket, but I can't find it there. I look around and see a note on the coffee. It's from Meghan's assistant, saying to meet her in the room where we had our last press interview in the hotel.

I quickly take a shower and head over there. I walk in and see Annabelle with a stressed look on her face. Annabelle worked under Meghan and would be my publicist for overseas junkets and whatnot, as Meghan was stationed only in the States.

My mind goes back to last night, thinking the movie didn't do so well. She tells me to sit down and starts explaining what I did last night.

How could I be so stupid? I groan. I can't believe I did this, and I'm thankful Annabelle stopped me from spilling so much. She hands me my phone, and I see no messages from Elyse regarding what I did last night. Maybe she didn't see it, or maybe it died down.

Annabelle also informs me that it's all over the news outlets, and everyone is talking about who Captain America's new girl is. As we are boarding our flight, Annabelle gets a phone call and tells me how the fans have figured it could be Elyse.

"Shit," I mumble as the flight is now taking off. I hope Elyse's old team hasn't seen what happened. Megan is in contact with Haley to try to get this under control.

The plane is about to take off when, all of a sudden, Meghan texts me, telling us to check Twitter.

It was a picture of me and Elyse holding hands at dinner on Valentine's Day at the resort in Alaska.

Somebody had posted a picture of themselves with their spouse, and Elyse and I were in the background. I cursed out loud, but you can't see where we are, so I hope it doesn't look so bad.

After a long flight, we land, and Megan and I are on our way over to Elyse's agent's office to discuss what happens now.


📍Los Angeles

Elyse Pov

Right now, I am at my agent's office with my team, and Gothal and Scar are on their way over. We are also waiting for Chris to arrive with Megan.

Last night, the media and fans went overboard and figured it out. I am seen with Chris, and clearly something is going on between us as we are holding hands, as a photo was leaked from someone's Instagram. I didn't check my phone after that; I avoided it like the plague or something.

Apparently, Megan and Haley have been planning all morning about a plan to save our asses. I look out the tinted glass and see Chris's car pull in at the same time as Emily and Tony's.

I see them walking in; Emily and Anthony sit next to me, and Tony does not have a happy face. Emily pulls my arm and hurts me just before Chris walks in. He looks super tired and not well out of everything else. He sits across from me in front, next to Megan.

"You better explain what the fuck is going on right now," Tony growls, giving me and Chris both a dirty look.

Megan and Haley both discuss the agreement that Chris and Megan had reached to promote each other's work.

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