What's Wrong... Did I Do Something? 👀

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Time Skip...

9 months later.

📍June 2017

I am in our closet in Massachusetts getting ready to go out to an after-party for the Marvel team and cast. Chris came home from finishing Endgame and Infinity War a week ago. Chris is in the shower, washing up. While I am trying to decide on an outfit, Robert is hosting, but Chris and his other co-stars are either bringing friends or family as we are going clubbing and dancing.

After we brought Dodger home, he immediately got along with Buster, and they are best buds. Always looking out for each other. They are totally different dogs, though; Buster is a crazy younger brother. While Dodger is the calm one, I swear he will just state out and appreciate nature, and on the other hand, Buster will go nuts and chase butterflies and ruin flowers.

We invited our family over for one night and surprised them with Dodger, and they all fell in love with him. Carly and her family ended up also getting a golden retriever the following week, and the kids insisted they call her Luna.

All three of the dogs got along great, and we even babysat Luna one night, and it was wonderful. Who needs kids when you can have so many dogs?

Dodger and Buster do everything together and stick out for each other. At first, Dodger was a little jealous of Buster, and Buster didn't really help with the situation as he would bark off at Dodger when it came to bedtime, but I'm glad they came over their differences.

Harper Inc. launched the night before my birthday, and everything was sold out within 16 hours, which really made me cry.

The next morning, Chris blew my mind with an amazing birthday. He spent the whole morning pleasing me in our sex room.

Chris took me out on the most romantic dinner, and we spent the night looking at the stars in the hot tub, celebrating my 31st birthday along with the success of Harper Inc.

We spend Christmas and New Year's with close family.

We spent Christmas night at Ma's house, woke up the next morning, and opened presents.

Among other things that happened, Scott and Steve tied the knot in our backyard. It was a beautiful ceremony.

All of our friends and family were flown in, and me and Chris were so happy for them; they had gotten engaged on New Year's Day.

I was so happy they got their happily ever after. We were all just waiting for Shanna, but she was happily dating and nobody was pushing her towards marriage.

After the New Year, Chris had to go back to filming. I even got to clean-shave Chris for the first scenes they would be filming before others in the movie, and I remember when he first went down on me, it felt so weird without his beard tickling me.

Chris looked like he was back in his 20s, and I was loving it.

Every chance I got, I would kiss him on the cheek, and I found out he had a dimple he had been hiding behind his beard. Everything was too secret, and he didn't even know the names of the films or what scenes they were shooting.

Hell, no one even knew they were going to film Endgame at the same time as Infinity War.

While he was filming, I was in New York for a couple of weeks, and I took the dogs with me. Harper Inc. was working on launching a multi-purpose tint that could be used for lips, eyes, and cheeks, along with a BB cream with sunscreen.

Our business slowly expanded from Ulta to Sephora, and we are working on international shipping at the moment.

For Chris's second half of shooting, he had grown a full beard and long hair, and it was a joy to see it grow on camera, but when I went to visit him on set this month, I was so shocked. I had so much fun pulling on his hair during sex, and I enjoyed it.

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