Just Five Nights 💔 🆘

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📍Time Jump 2018

May 13, 2018

Elyse Pov

I am in our closet, packing my duffle bag with some clothes for a week's stay in LA. Buster is following me around. I have a business meeting to finally get Harper Inc. to ship internationally after such a long time. Harper Inc. has been doing so well.

I never expected it to take off the way it did. So many makeup artists, fans, and the general public love our products, and it always brings a smile to my face whenever I see someone using one of our products in public or in shops.

AJ has launched our social media pages over the past eight months, and I make a few videos here and there promoting our products, but it's mostly run by my team and Vanessa.

After the New Year, we flew to the Bahamas, where Dakota and Chris Martin tied the knot. It was so magical, especially watching your best friend get married.

Chris and I had a blast. They are now living in LA, so I'm excited to see her real soon.

Chris's new movie, Infinity War, came out last month, and he spent the whole month doing a world press tour, traveling around the world. I stayed back home.

We did attend the premiere in New York together and had a lot of drunken sex that night; we didn't leave the bed for two whole days. I hadn't seen him for so long, so you better believe I jumped at my husband after the carpet when he looked so sexy.

We are still trying to get pregnant, and it has been fun, but I miss my birth control; hence, I never got my periods, and now my periods are so bad and heavy.

We had gone to our family doctor in Boston to see how fertile I was, and they needed some blood, hurting Chris's arm and giving the poor technician a hard time. I don't care how old I get... I don't think I will ever warm up to doctors or needles.

They found I was very fertile, and we should have no problem conceiving a baby, but my iron count was really low, so now I'm taking this nasty liquid a week before my period, and thank God it's helped with the dizziness and feeling fatigue.

I finished packing my bag tonight, so I don't have to worry about it tomorrow morning since my flight is in the morning. I place it next to Chris's carry-on. He is going to New York for a Comic Con event in two days, and we will both be gone for a week. After taking care of everything, we are taking a trip to Ireland and focusing on babymaking.

I grab Buster before he wrecks my heels, pick him up, and bring him downstairs with me.

Chris is in the kitchen warming up leftovers for dinner, and I walk down the stairs to the kitchen and can't help but admire the view of my husband warming pasta in the pan with the sun about to set in the background. I walk behind him and wrap my arms around him.

Chris has never looked better. He is taking a break from filming and focusing on launching a website, something having to do with politics and news, with his buddy Mark.

They are in the process of discussing it and seeing if it is even worth trying to launch something. Chris turns around and pulls me into his chest.

"Do you have to go tomorrow, baby?" he asks me with his puppy eye.

"Yes, handsome. I know. I don't want to go either, especially without you being all alone in the home in LA," I say as he rubs my back.

"But it's only five sleeps, right?" I say, trying to lift my own mood. Chris is only going for two nights and will be home alone.

Chris hums, kisses my head, and goes back to plating us for dinner. After dinner, we go on a walk like we do every night before going to bed with the dogs.

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