Fever 🤒

695 15 5

Chris Pov

I'm headed back home as I just dropped Elyse at the airport. I bought some dinner on the drive home. I park the car, and I walk into the house with my head hung low.

I'm really not in the mood for anything tonight, and I decide to get ready for bed. As I head to turn on the shower, that's when I see it. Elyse left her things in my bathroom. I see her toothbrush, night cream, and lotions. I turn towards the shower and see her body wash, loofah, and shampoo.

I run and open the drawers, and her hairbrush and other products are still sitting here. Not only did she leave her clothes, but her everyday products too. I can't help but smile like a little boy as she slowly turns my house into a home without noticing.

This little thing just lifted my mood so much right now. I shower and get into bed, and it smells like Elyse. I smile as her scent lures me to sleep.

Elyse Pov

I landed in LA. I leave Chris a message, letting him know I made it back safely and that I miss him so much.

Haley was picking me up; the airport was a nightmare, as the paparazzi were going crazy about my sudden absence since I didn't attend the fashion show in Denmark last week.

I hang my head low and follow security. I'm so glad Chris gave me his sunglasses, as I can't see where I'm going from all the flashes.

"Elyse over here, please take one photo."

"Elyse, can you sign this?"

"Elyse, you're such a bitch; can't you sign the damn poster?" I hear as I try walking faster to the SUV.

Security opens my door, and I jump in.

I roll the windows up; thankfully, they are tinted, and the driver takes off.

I greet Haley once we're in the clear. I let the driver know we were stopping at Dakota's house first, as it's been a while.

I can feel Haley's gaze on me. I turn and face her. She's smiling like crazy.

"So Captain America, huh?" she says.

I nodded and playfully hit her arm. Haley is the only one who knows about my plan, as she looks forward to my plan for getting freed from Tony and Emily.

Haley lets me know they don't seem to notice the different accounts as long as the money is coming into their accounts.

I see Dakota's house coming up, and I'm so excited to catch up with her in person. I've missed her like crazy.

She greets me, and we order some dinner and talk. She tells me how she's officially dating Chris Martin.

We laugh about how we're both dating Chris. She's so proud of me and gives Chris some brownie points for not only saving my life but being so supportive.

I tell her about the plan me and Chris decided on, and she's super proud and can't help but shed a few tears.

It's getting super late, so I decided to head home.

It's about a thirty-minute drive that turns into an hour with all traffic. I miss Massachusetts very much. I'm missing the snow and clear roads. I eventually make it up to my room and undress and sleep in Chris's hoodie, as it still smells like him.

Chris Pov

It has been 3 weeks since Elyse has been gone.

We talk and text almost every day and night. It's like she's here but not.

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