Engagement Party 💍 🥂🍾🎊

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Chris Pov

I move around in bed, I open my eyes, and I have trouble keeping them open from the bright light, not to mention the raging headache brewing.

I rub the sleep in my eyes, and I see I'm in bed. I wonder how I got here. I turn around, and I'm not met with Elyse but with Buster's drool.

Buster is licking my face.

"Offf ahhh. I love you too, Bubba," I say, trying to push him back a little.

I hear Elyse giggling as she walks in with some breakfast.

She looks so beautiful, no matter what day or time it is.

I can't believe I get to call her my wife in a matter of time.

She placed a tray of toast, fruit, and juice in my lap, grabbed Buster from the grip, and took him outside.

I sigh and take some medicine I see on the tray, and Elyse walks in...

"How bad was I?" I questioned myself, looking down, hoping I didn't embarrass myself too much.

I met up with my Boston guys after a while; one thing led to another, and when I told them I was getting married, they flipped, and the shots kept coming.

"You were adorable, baby; I think I might love drunk Chris, minus the part of getting you into bed," she says, kissing my nose. I blush and giggle as she explains what I did last night.

"Well, I'm not wrong, baby; I could have rocked your world last night," I say while eating some fruit, and she slaps my arm.

She steals a sip of my juice and tells me she's going to take Buster on a run, and she tells me to get ready for the day.

After my shower, I come out to the kitchen and see Elyse walking in from her run. Buster runs up to me, and I bend down, giving him some belly rubs.

Elyse goes to shower, and I get Buster some kibble and make Elyse's smoothie.

After Elyse is ready, we head out to get some grocery shopping done. We walk into Whole Foods, and Elyse is a little anxious and on the lookout for paps, as nobody from the public knows we're engaged yet.

I mean, I barely told Magan yesterday after I came home from Ma's, and she was over the moon.

She told me she would get a statement ready just in case something leaked.

I place my cap on her head, and she smiles as we enter the shop, grabbing a trolley and following Elyse's trail.

We start in the produce section and slowly make our way through every aisle, grabbing what we need.

"What ice cream, babe? I hear Elyse asking as I'm grabbing some almond milk. I turn around and see Elyse standing in front of the freezer door, leaning on the trolley, skimming through the different flavors.

I stand behind her, place the milk in the cart, and wrap my arms around her, looking at her.

"Stop staring, baby," she says, trying to get out of my grip.

"No, I like you this close to me," I mutter against her neck.

"Get whatever ice cream you want, honey; I just want to get home and cuddle," I say, letting her go to grab a flavor.

"Cookies and cream it is," she says, licking her lips and putting it into the trolley.

"I know it's your favorite. I smile and start pushing the trolley towards the bread aisle.

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