Mrs. Evans 🫤🤍🥺🏥

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📍 Los Angeles Medical Center

Chris Pov

It is the following morning, and last night was not a good night. Elyse's body crashed a few times last night; her condition only worsened by the hour, and I was scared. I called Ma and updated her, telling her what was going on and Elyses condition. The head surgeons are in a meeting right now discussing the next step.

The doctors came to the conclusion that they should transport Elyse to Boston for better care since they have more equipment and hands to take better care of her than they do here in LA.

The plan was to fly out tonight and be in Boston tomorrow, and part of me was relieved knowing I would be near home and Elyse would be in better hands away from the chaos happening outside the wall of the hospital with the media and new outlets wanting a statement.


📍A few weeks later...
📍Boston, MA

It's been a few weeks now, and Elyse is slowly getting better in my books. They brought her to Boston General Hospital and took care of her right away; not only were the surgeons comforting but also the staff, and nobody knew where Elyses was at the moment. My family has been coming by and visiting and talking to Elyse. The doctors are not negative and have high hopes, along with our family.

Yesterday, they took her off the ventilation device since her body is trying to breathe for her again. They still want to put her in medical sleep to help her with the pain. Over the week, her room has been filled with different types of tulips, and I tried to make it feel less like a hospital room.


It's been a week and two days now, and the doctors have taken her off the medical coma, so it is up to her body now, and she decides when to wake up. Most of her bruises are gone now. The nurses come in every other day to clean her up. They took her in for an MRI earlier, and her brain and the rest of her body look good. It is a miracle that she is alive right now. I am just cleaning up my table with my lunch, and I wanted a coffee, so I decided to grab one.

"I'll be right back, baby," I say, kiss her head, and walk out.


Elyse Pov

"Mhmmm," I groan... I can't open my eyes; something is beeping loudly, and there is a funny smell in the room like rubbing alcohol. I try to focus, and I slowly open my eyes. I look up at the ceiling and move my head, but it is pounding and hurting so much. I feel dead.

Am I dead?

I look around, taking in my surroundings, and I'm in a hospital room. There is an IV in my arm, and my arm and leg have a sling and boot. I started to panic. Why am I in a hospital, and all these machines are going off now?

"What time is it? I am supposed to be in LA to meet up with Haley. Why am I in a room?

I notice there are many types of flowers in the room, and suddenly, a nurse wearing gray scrubs walks in with a doctor.

"Welcome back, Elyse," the doctor says.

"I'm Dr. Robbins, your surgeon. And this is Nurse Jane," she tells me, walking over to stop the beeping noise and sitting on my bed.

You gave us quite the scare, Mrs. Evans... I'll go find your husband and tell him the good news. He probably went to grab his afternoon coffee," she says and takes off, leaving us behind.

"Who is Mrs. Evans? And what husband? I asked the doctor.

"Elyse, can you follow my finger?" she says, flashing a bright light in my eye.

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