Are you Comfortable 🫶🏼 🩺

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Third-Person Pov

It is 4:30 in the morning, and an older-looking nurse comes in to check up on Elyse's vitals. Chris wakes up to hear some commotion as the nurse almost trips on some sort of wire in the room.

"Sorry, I just need to take her temperature and her blood pressure," he says, whispering as Elyse is still asleep. Chris knows what's to come, so he gently tries to wake Elyse; she opens her eyes. The nurse tells her she needs her left arm. Elyse goes back to sleep as the nurse checks her temperature.

"97.4 perfect. It looks like you will be taking your girlfriend home tonight, Mr. Evans," he says nonchalantly.

"Oh, she's not my girlfriend." Chris says with a hint of sadness in his voice,

"I wish I could call her my girlfriend," he mumbles to himself.

"Oh, my bad, you both look so good with each other and complement each other so well... I just assumed," he tells Chris with a smile on his face. With that, he leaves them both alone.

Chris tucks Elyse's arm back in and rubs her forehead a little. She twitches under Chris's touch, and he kisses the top of her forehead and goes back to sleep.


A few hours later, Chris gets up and takes a shower. Elyse is still sleeping, and he goes outside to the food court to get some breakfast.

Chris grabs some oatmeal and a cup of coffee, sits down at one of the booths, and continues to enjoy his breakfast, thinking about his day.

A little boy notices him sitting in the empty booth and runs up to Chris. The boy asks Chris if he's Captain America.

Chris nods at this little boy. While the little boy goes on talking about his favorite superhero, Chris looks around and notices he's all alone. He wonders where his parents are.

Chris proceeds to ask the little boy his name.

"Jack, my name is Jack," the little boy replies back with a huge grin pointing to himself.

"Well, Jack, let's see if we can find your parents, shall we? Chris says as he takes Jack's little hand in his.

Jack starts to tell Chris, How is it that Mommy just had a baby? Having this information, Chris starts to lead Jack towards the labor and delivery unit.

There, he sees a younger man looking around for something.

"Daddy, Daddy, I found you... Jack says as he lets go of Chris's hand and runs up to his father, and Chris just waves from afar, and the father mouths a "Thank You."

Chris can't help but miss Jack's little hand in his. He craves that feeling of his kids calling him Daddy one day. Right now, he's just glad Jack found his family.

Chris walks back to the food court and resumes his breakfast while deciding to finally call Scott and give him some sort of update since it's been a while.

Scott was practically kicking the air as Chris explained what happened and how Elyse would be staying with him for a few days till she recovered.

Scott told him not to mess this up and that he wanted an introduction. Chris chuckled, and they talked for a few minutes after he finished his meal.


It is now 4 p.m. Chris and Elyse are sitting in the room as a nurse is taking out Elyse's IV and getting the paperwork ready for the doctor to sign so they can go home. Ma came by earlier and dropped off some clothes for Elyse while she was in the bathroom.

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