Damn Lizards!! ✈️🌎🏝️🦎

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We are sitting in the back of the car. On our way to the airport for our non-stop flight to Bora Bora, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. 

I am so nervous about the plane ride. It's going to be a long 22-hour flight at least, and it will be one of the longest flights I will be taking. 

I'm pretty sure Chris can sense my nervousness as he keeps squeezing my hand and giving me a reassuring smile from time to time.

The driver comes to a full stop on the tarmac, and we get out as he hands us our suitcases. We are getting ready to board.

Chris and I are waiting for the flight and crew to show up since we arrived earlier than expected and it's starting to get chilly.

Chris seems to notice and wraps his jacket around me, pulling me into a hug, and I instantly feel at peace. For some reason, we are taking one of Robert's planes. He insisted we take it for some reason and wouldn't hear the word no, so here we are waiting to take off.

The pilot greets us, and the flight attendants let us know we can board. Chris picks me up bridal style, and I squeal as he carries me up the stairs into the plane.

We walk in, and I see the flight attendant's seat behind a wall and a huge curtain. We walk behind the curtain and see there are four huge seats, and in the back, there is a door. I wonder if that's a bathroom.

Chris takes my bag off my shoulder, sets it down on the table, and pulls me into his embrace yet again.

We see a gift basket with all sorts of snacks and drinks, even some condoms, sitting on one of the chairs from the Downey's with a note that says:

Enjoy your honeymoon! You guys deserve this. Have a safe flight, and don't forget protection.

With love, Susan and Robert Downey.

We laugh at his note, take a selfie, and send it his way.

Chris sits in front of me and holds my hands. He knows I'm nervous about this flight, but then I also remember him saying his vow or the promises he made me earlier today, and I smile at the memory.

Never going to bed angry at each other.

Never walking out and listen to what the other person has to say.

Chris promised to kill any insect or bug that came my way.

Start every morning with a kiss and end the night with a kiss.

Never stop dating each other, even if we are old grapes and turn into raisins one day.

I promise to be your friend first, then your husband.

I'm saying "I do," but I'm saying "I will." I will stand by you in every and any given situation, never letting you handle it alone, no matter what.

Along with the other vows that we said during our wedding. I grab his hand and smile, seeing the gold band on his left hand. I play around with it, turning it around his finger.

As we are taking off, I shut my eyes, and we are in the sky. I shut the windows, not wanting to look out at the dark ocean.

The flight attendant comes by, hands us a glass of champagne, and tells us they will see us in the morning and that if we need anything, just come up...

Chris walks over to me, pulls me up, sets our champagne on the table, and covers my eyes.

"Chris? What are you doing?" I say as he leads me somewhere.

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