Cape Cod and Good News 💒🕊🏡💕

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📍May 23rd, 2016

Elyse Pov

A few weeks have passed since the night of our engagement party. I am sitting in the kitchen looking through the photos Ma just emailed, and I have a huge smile plastered on my face.

I decided to send some to Dakota and Seb since they couldn't make it due to their schedules.

Ever since moving to the other side of the state.

I was always worried about a possible fallout between Dakota and me, but that never happened.

We talked on the phone the other night about everything going on, and I can't help but admit that some Boston lingo has slowly made its way into my vocabulary.

I still remember the look on Chris's face when I told him to just pack the car.

Dakota was honestly shocked and said I truly sounded like a Boston girl now, which made me proud.

After talking on the phone with her, I was sure we would not fall out. If we couldn't talk, we would always be texting. She needs to come to visit soon.

Chris is in one of the guest rooms giving poor Buster a bath after he came in all muddy from the dog park this morning and ruined our carpet in the living room, which still needs cleaning. His paws are everywhere.

I can hear him barking. He does not like bath time like I thought he would, so I left bath time for Chris to handle, and he does it without any complaints, so I don't have any complaints as long as I have a clean pup at the end of the day.

Buster is such an energetic puppy for his age, keeping us on our feet. Buster is one of the best dogs I've ever seen; he's not much of a barker, only when he is clearly annoyed or sees a squirrel.

Carly and Ryan want to get a dog for themselves, so they're practicing with Buster to see how responsible the kids are.

I remember one night when Buster was brought back home with his ears tied up with a scrunchie, and me and Chris were literally dead laughing at how cute he looked.

A few days after our engagement, we were spotted by someone walking Buster in the park, and the picture spread all over the media. When you could see a huge rock on my finger that night, Meghan put out a statement, and Chris tweeted an old picture of the three of us with Buster laughing and having a good time that Carly had taken one night with a sweet caption.

Chris was the number one trending subject on Twitter for a solid week, which I found really scary.

Now they're trying to figure out when the wedding will be. Thank God the talk about us has slowed down and moved on to other couples.

That night in bed, Chris and I discussed wedding plans and what we wanted.

We both came to the conclusion that we wanted to get married as soon as possible.

If it were up to Chris, he would take me down to the courthouse and we would get married tomorrow, and I was happy with the idea.

I wasn't against his idea, but we both knew Ma would kill us both. She is very excited about this wedding. So for right now, we have a date picked out, and we would officially tie the knot on August 17, 2016.

Now all we need to do is find a venue and work out the minor details, I guess.

I just get anxious thinking about everything since it is only two months out. We still have to tell Ma, and for now, we have pushed it aside.

As I finish scrolling through the images I sent Dakota's way, I can hear the tiny pitter-patter of Buster's feet making it towards the kitchen.

"Oh, Bubba, come here. It's okay," I say, getting out of my chair, as he looks so sad. His ears are all floppy, and he looks mortified.

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