Where's the rest of your hair?!😅🤪

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📍Mid-May 2015

Elyse Pov

It's Thursday afternoon... I've been up since 3:30 am doing some night shoots, and today I have an afternoon shoot as we need sunlight shots... It has been a couple of rough weeks since filming started.

The movie (Super Spies) is about two spies, male and female, both on a mission that leads them both to lose their memories and have to survive on an island. For now, me and Ryan are working our asses off in the crippling heat. I'm in the makeup chair, about to get ready to head to set.

All of a sudden, I hear loud sirens, which startle me. My makeup artist, Renee, gives me a look. We both make our way outside.

"Elyse, thank God you're alright," Haley says as she approaches us.

"What? What happened?" I question her.

"Ryan had an accident with his stunt; the rope wasn't placed right, or he just passed out," she tells me.

"Oh My God!, Is he okay? I ask with a panic in my voice.

" He just blacked out. He's fine," she tells me as I rub my head. I feel another headache coming along.

"Okay, so what now?" .

"Well, you finish the scenes you need today, and we will leave for LA... Then on Monday, we leave for Atlanta and film the other half of the movie there for a couple of months," she tells me with a worried look on her face.

"Alright then, let's get this show moving," I say, as the sun is burning me and I want to head inside the cool room.


It is now 10 p.m., and I am whipped... They called it a wrap in Hawaii, as we got all our scenes. Ryan just came back from the hospital; he was really dehydrated and is feeling much better now.

I thanked the cast and crew, as they still need to film with Ryan over the weekend. They will be flying straight to Atlanta on Monday. Meanwhile, Haley has everything packed and loaded as I head to the airport. I am so not looking forward to this flight... We take off and land in LA around 7 a.m. Haley drops me off at the house and tells me she will see me Monday morning. I thank her and head inside to get some sleep right away, with not a care in the world right now.


I took a shower and slept well. I was super exhausted... After refreshing, I head downstairs, and I see there is a meeting going on since Elizabeth is talking loudly on the phone. I just wave to let them know I'm still alive. Elizabeth smiles and waves back.

I head to the kitchen and can't seem to find Maria. I head to the office... "

"Where's Maria?" I question Tony.

"She's fired; she is too old and not pleasing to look at anymore," he states.

I roll my eyes and head out. How dare he? I wonder if that's really what happened. Well, I am surely going to miss her. I grab a snack and head back upstairs to my room as Emily stops me.

"Elyse, tonight you are attending the MTV Awards after-party; we need you to do some engagements and fix the fuckup you did at the Oscars last month," she tells me, looking me up and down.

"And for god's sake, try to look better." I just smile and nod.

"Sure thing," I say, not wanting to start another argument.

I head to my room and call Dakota. She tells me she's down to go tonight. She says she'll even help me get ready.

Chris Pov

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