Don't Leave Me, Please 🥹

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Elyse Pov

My head is pounding, and I can't move my hands.

I slowly open my eyes, adjusting to the bright lights, and look around to see that I'm in a hospital room.

I groan as I hear the beeping from the EKG machine, and I look down and see Chris is holding my hand while he is sleeping.

I remember last night and how much pain I was in. I tried to break free of my hand, but I woke Chris in the process.

He wakes up, rubbing his eyes.

"Elyse, are you awake?" he says while sitting up, his eyes on mine.

"I feel great and good-looking," I reply with a giggle, as I'm not in any more pain than I was earlier. Chris smirks. I just stared at him.

"Can I tell you a secret?" I whisper, and he just nods, grabbing my hand again.

"I'm in a hospital... I hate hospitals, you know, but I'm glad you're here with me," I say.

"I know, Elyse, I brought you here, remember? "he says as he reaches his hand above my head to push a button.

"Noooo, Chris, don't press it. They will come in," I say, referring to the aliens once when my dad was scaring me when I was younger.

Chris just laughs.

"Elyse, it's the button to call the nurse," he reassures me.

I listen closely and, hmmm, nod. I look around. And it hits me once again: I'm in a hospital with doctors and needles.

"Chirsss, I want to go home; I don't like it here," I say, pouting, hoping it works.

"No need to be afraid, Miss Harper," the nurse smiles at me.

"You're in good hands."

He tells me my appendix is swollen and about ready to burst, and I need to get surgery to have it removed.

"Noooo. NO SURGERY! "I shout, a little groggy.

"I don't want to; I don't like needles, please. I feel fine and see no pain," I say as I point to my stomach and smile, trying to convince both Chris and the nurse. They both shake hands and smile.

"That's because we gave you some morphine. It's going to be okay, Miss. Harper, you won't feel a thing, as we will put you under anesthesia," he tells me, trying to make the best of the current situation.

Chris nods his head in agreement. He sits back in his chair, still holding my hand, and gives me a sweet smile.

The nurse leaves, saying he will be back around 2 p.m. as it's now 10 a.m. to prep me for surgery.

I guess I really don't have a choice. I'm afraid Chris is going to leave me all alone here. I don't want to be alone. I wish Dakota was here.

Hospitals are the worst; I've never liked them. I feel like people come here to mostly die. I mean, 50 percent of people in here don't even get to see the outside ever again.

I want my dad. I remember that he would always try to make me laugh at the doctors or play around with the instruments to make me laugh.

I feel like I'm floating on a cloud as the medicine travels through my blood. The current moods I'm feeling are either sad or just laughing and giggling at everything.

I pull on my hand, bringing him closer to me.

"Chris, please don't leave me; I'm scared. Please don't leave." I say this with tears in my eyes.

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