Happy Birthday! 🎂🎉🎁 ❤️

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Elyse Pov

I really have to pee, but I don't want to wake up just yet. As I open my eyes and stretch, I sit up.

I see some sort of cake from last night sitting on my nightstand, and I smile and run towards the bathroom.

After reliving my bladder, I walk back towards the bed and see the lingerie Chris quite literally ripped off my skin last night.

Today is Chris's birthday, and at midnight last night I brought in a cake and he blew out some candles, and we celebrated his birthday just the two of us with no interruptions from anyone, which resulted in birthday sex, and somehow half of the cake ended up on my body, and Chris had a joy eating it off me.

But before the cake, I gave him his presents. I gifted him a new watch and some tickets to a Patriots game, and Chris has this one early 2000s red belt he is obsessed with and always wears. I found so many colors and designs online and bought them, and he was so excited.

Today family and friends are coming over to celebrate Chris's birthday. We are throwing a pool party-type party for him.

As I pull the comforter over me, I see Chris turn around in his sleep facing me, and he just looks so handsome, and I can feel my core get wetter just by staring at him.

I place my hand on his cheek, and he smiles, and I melt at the sight.

It's cold in our room, so I snuggle closer to him.

Chris grunts and pulls me to him, his arms enveloping my torso while he kisses my forehead.

Normally, Chris is a deep sleeper, and not even an earthquake could wake this man, but the second I touch him in my sleep, his body reacts to mine.

Which I love knowing that even in his sleep he tries to make me comfortable and safe.

Chris's hands make their way up and down my body, causing me to move even closer to him if at all possible.

I sneak my left leg in between the two of his as I nuzzle my nose into his neck, making him sigh and squeeze the small of my back in response.

I smile at his collarbone and lightly kiss the crook of his neck.

"Happy birthday, my sweet," I say against his warm skin, my voice still laced with sleep.

"'Nooo, I'm getting too old," he says.

"Mhmm, baby, 35 is not old," I say as he moves his hands down to my ass. I giggle as he sighs, giving my ass a light squeeze before moving on down my thighs.

I kiss different parts of his neck, and Chris moves his hand back to my ass, squeezing it every time I kiss him.

As my lips make their way to his, Chris grabs the back of my neck and presses his lips to meet mine.

He takes his bottom lip and drags it across my face, one hand on my ass and another entwined in my hair.

I let out a soft moan before running my left hand through his bed hair. His teeth nip at my bottom lip while I press my torso as close to his as I can get.

Chris slips his tongue in between my lips, and I feel warmth spreading down my body through my core.

As our tongues dance with one another, I move my hand down his chest.

Just by kissing Chris, my core is now so wet and I'm soaked. I move my hand down and feel Chris hard, smiling into the kiss.

I graze the slit on his tip with my thumb, a string of cedar sticking to my finger as I pull away.

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