A Special Date Night ❤️ 💍

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Elyse Pov

I open the door, and it's so dark...

"Chris.. Baby?" I say, and all of a sudden lights turn on and my face meets with a piece of paper hanging on a thread dangling in front of me.

For a second, I thought it was a spider. I giggle while holding onto my chest, catching my breath, and I pull on the card and read it.


Welcome home... Follow the pathway and find me. I have a surprise for you.

With love,


I look down and see candles lit and arrows leading me around the kitchen to a hallway. I'm in shock... The whole house is dark, only lit by these tiny candles. I wonder if this is another one of Chris's games or if he's teasing me.

I smile as I see a heart-shaped candle and rose petals everywhere.

I follow the arrows and rose petals that lead me to our bedroom.

The door is closed, and I smirk, wanting to see Chris.

I push the door open, and rose petals fall on me out of nowhere. I can't help but laugh and smile. I look around the room, which is lit with candles.

The fireplace is going, and I see another path leading out into the backyard with the doors open and the curtains moving around with the little wind.

I walk towards the table in the corner of the room and place my bags on the chair, and I notice on the table there are some tulips and pictures of Chris and me.

My cheeks hurt so much from smiling.

I slowly walk out, and I see the fire pit as the only source of light. I follow the path of roses and the candle lights, and I look around the fire pit, and I'm shocked.

I gasp as It's decorated. It's... I'm speechless.

There are so many pictures of memories of Chris and me floating around everywhere, and roses and candles are lit.

"Chris, Baby?" I call out for Chris, and I don't hear a thing. I touch every picture and smile as I feel tears prickle my eyes.

I look over and see that the pool also has tea lights. I turn around and walk towards a big tree in front of the fire pit, as there are more pictures flying out that way.

I notice I'm standing on a square made of rose petals, and they feel cold as they touch my feet. I turn around, and I see Chris on his knees.

He is freshly showered, he's wearing a nice polo shirt and slacks, his hair is gelled, some of his tattoos are peeking out, and he's on his knees holding a box with tears in his eyes.

I notice he is shaking.

My whole body is heated, my heart is beating fast, and it feels like the earth is spinning. Tears are falling down my face, and I feel them land on my feet.


You are the one... I love you so much, and I know it might be too soon, but every second that goes by, I don't want to spend it as your boyfriend anymore. I want to be your husband, and I want to call you my wife. You give me so much every day without even noticing it. You turned my life around the second my eyes laid on you. My heart now only belongs to you. It only beats for you. It calls and craves for you, Elyse...

This day last year I met you, and before I had so many wishes for a significant other, and it's like the universe listened and sent you my way... You complete me. I am nothing without you. I want to do everything with you and only you. I want to wake up next to you. I want to sleep next to you. I want this... I want everything life can offer: the pointless fights, the late-night texts, the silly photos... I don't want you to only be Buster's mommy... I want to have kids of our own. I want to grow my family with you. I want to see you pregnant, walking around carrying my love... Our love...

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