Goodnight Chris 💤

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Chris Pov

I'm headed out to Boston today for the function. I'm looking forward to it; I always enjoy myself when anything is involved with Christopher's Heaven.

I decided to dress a little casually. I put on some green jeans, a black shirt, and a classic leather jacket. I lock up the house, get in the car, turn the radio on, and listen to some Christmas tunes.

I pass by houses as families are decorating their houses. I'm a little behind this year, but I'm never behind... I decided to finally do it this week. I smile as I see the little kids playing in their yards, building snowmen and having snow fights. It's not a long drive before I hit the freeway and take the exit for the convention center. I pull in and hand my key to the valet.

I head inside and skip the photo opportunity, as I'm not here with a brand or company. I try to find the table I'm seated at; it's a little in the front. I take my seat, greet the people sitting, and wait for the function to begin as people are slowly piling in. I can see the snow is coming in hard tonight. That reminds me to call John to come and clear out the driveway for the next week so I'm not stuck at home.

Slowly, the room fills with laughter and people. I fall into a conversation with the surrounding people, and pretty soon the event starts. To my surprise, this year's host is Louis Vuitton and some other luxury brands, and to my surprise, they have a lot of plans for Christopher's Heaven coming this new year, which makes me smile.

Soon dinner is brought out, and I finish and start to mingle around and have good conversations. As I'm coming out of the bathroom, I'm walking, and I think I see Elyse. I have to do a double-take. It can't be... I'm seeing things, I think to myself.

I see her talking to Gwenyth Paltrow. I see her laughing. She's in a pantsuit, looking as beautiful as ever. I notice her hands are empty, and I make my way over to the bar and order two drinks from the menu.

I keep my eye on her. I don't want to lose her, as a lot of people are here. I see her trying to leave the conversation as more people join. She's looking around, trying to find someone.

I walk up to her back, as she's facing the other way.

"Looking for someone, Elyse?" I asked with a smirk on my face. She turns around with a huge smile on her face.

"I was; maybe you can help me find him," she said while also smirking. I gave her the other drink, which she takes. I pull her to the side so I can talk to her without any interruptions.

"Fancy seeing you here. What are you doing here?" she asks while sipping on her drink. I tell her I'm here with the organization. She smiles, and I find out she's here with LV. "

"We need to stop meeting like this," I tell her while laughing. She agrees...

We fall into a conversation, and she asks me if my offer to show her around still stands. I asked her how long she had been here and when she got here. She explains that she arrived today and will be leaving tomorrow night. I frown a little. I'm a little shocked and find it weird when she tells me she's flying out to Denmark for a project with Tiffany's and Co.

I'm confused a little because next week is Christmas. I don't question her, though. Maybe she has plans in Denmark; who knows? I offer to show her around Boston, and as she goes to speak, the owner of Christopher's Heaven comes up and says he needs me for something. Elyse tells me to go, and I tell her I'll call her tomorrow.

It turns out they wanted to take a picture with me and a few other celebrities. I happily took the picture and signed a few things for some online auctions. I walk back to where I left Elyse. I can't seem to find her anywhere.

I look at the time and see it's 12:15 in the morning. I wonder if she has already left. After looking around, I decide it's best to go home now. As I start to walk out, I spot her rubbing her arms up and down. She tries to hail a cab, but it's no use. I ran out and asked the valet to bring my car.

I've only had that one drink, so I'm good, as I'm not a lightweight like some people. I get in the car and warm it up, as the snow is starting to fall hard. I pull her in front of me, rolling down the window and honking. I tell her to get in as soon as I can drop her off, wanting to spend some more time with her.

She gets in and thanks me. I ask for the directions to the hotel she's staying at and put them into Google. As I pull onto the highway, the snow is not stopping, only getting worse, and traffic is building up. I look at the map, and it's almost a 90-minute car ride.

I look up and see the exit for Sudbury; I ask her if she's okay with spending the night at my place; I explain the time difference and how we can get coffee and hang out; and I can drop her off at the airport too. She looks a little unsure but gives in, smiles, and says sure.

I smile and take the exit towards Sudbury. The roads are way less full as we leave the city behind us and enter the countryside. I put on some Christmas music. After a while, we pulled into my neighborhood. I notice she's looking out at the beautiful Christmas decorations, and I smile. It looks so pretty. Soon we pull into my house, and she has a look on her face, and I know what she is thinking about.

I tell her I'm behind on the decorations, and she just smiles and nods. I help her out of the car, and we head inside. I turn the lights on, and before I say anything, she asks if she can go to bed because she's tired. I tell her to wait in the living room while I run to my room.

I go into my closet and grab a clean shirt, new sweatpants, and a clean towel. Before entering the living room, I check the guest room; it has a charger, some toothpaste and toothbrushes, and everything else I can think of. I noticed she was wearing makeup and remembered Shanna had put some in the room when she visited. I grabbed them and headed out to Elyse.

I walk to the room and show her my room. I tell her to knock if she needs anything. As I'm about to head out, she pulls me into a hug. God, she smells good... I have dreamed of this day. I smile and hug her back. She tells me good night, and I walk to my room, blushing like crazy.

I enter my room and jump up and down like a little boy. I can't wait for my date tomorrow with her; she finally agreed. I can't help but remember Ma's words "Take things slow, Chris". I smile and shower. I also put on a shirt just in case she knocks on my door. I leave it a little open.

I go outside and put the house to sleep. I leave the hallway light on just in case. I heard the shower running in her room and decided to head to bed. As it was late now, I got in bed and turned the heat on in the room as the floors were freezing cold. I hope we are not snowed in by the morning and the snow stops.



I wake up startled. My heart is beating so fast as I jolt up all of a sudden and come to my senses, and I hear Elyse scream again.

I jump out of bed, open my door, and enter her room to find it empty. I notice the light in the living room is on and rush to the kitchen as I hear glass break along with a thump.

I can feel my heartbeat in my hands as my eyes meet Elyse's body on the floor. I run towards her, and she's covered in a cold sweat and clutching the right side of her lower abdomen.

"ELYSE! Wake up, please, I say as I carry her to the couch and run into the kitchen to grab some water and sprinkle some water on her face. She starts to moan, clutching her stomach, not making any sense.

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