Overnight at Hospital 🏥

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Elyse Pov

As I open my eyes and look around, I notice it's dark out now. My body is aching so much that I feel like I've been hit by a bus; everything feels so sore.

I let out a sigh, remembering I had to spend one night here. I look around and don't see Chris anywhere. I wonder where he went.

After going back and forth with him, I decided it was best to stay at Chris's house for a few days.

I spot Chris's phone on the small table next to me, along with some medication and water. I grab it, scroll to the emergency feature, and decide to call Haley and let her know what happened and that I won't be attending the campaign. I almost died last night.

Long story short, she understood, wished me a good recovery, and decided to cancel the New Year's campaign as well.

After speaking with Dr. Stones earlier. She then proceeded to tell me I needed to contact Emily as she was not happy and was looking forward to my call. I lie and tell Haley I am staying at the hotel to recover.

She hangs up, and I place Chris's phone back and lie down. I smile, thinking how I finally have a few weeks off and will probably not work till after the new year, which I'm looking forward to.

After lying down, I really need to pee. I look and notice the bathroom is not far away, and I debate whether to just go by myself.

I try to sit up but only end up wincing as I feel like my stitches are pulling apart.

I see the door open, and Chris walks in. He sees me struggling, and he helps me lie down back in bed. He notices the tears on my face.

"Elyse, what are you doing? You're going to hurt yourself. Are you okay? He asks them all at once.

"Chris, I'm fine; I just really need to pee," I say while smiling back, seeing the concern on his face.

"Here, let me," he says as he puts one arm under my back and the other under my legs and carries me to the bathroom.

He's in a change of clothes and smells so clean. I hum as he opens the door with his foot, and as we walk in, he carefully puts me on the toilet and stands there.

"Chris, I need you to go outside so I can pee, please," I say while looking at him.

"Right, sorry," he says, shaking his head. Let me know when you're done. I don't want you falling, okay?" With that, he closes the door and waits outside.

I go pee and don't even try to get up, as it hurts to sit down. I do as Chris says, as I don't have any energy in me to stand.

He walks me to the sink carefully, and I wash my hands along with my face. I notice I'm wearing a gown that covers everything.

Thankfully, it isn't the ones that are open in the back. I asked Chris if he could tie my hair back, as it hurt to lift my arms up.

He nods, helps me, and gets me back to bed. He fixes my hair a little as we hear a knock at the door.

"Good evening, Miss Harper, How are you feeling? A nurse walks in with a tray of dinner.

She looks up at me and back at Chris.

"Oh, I am sorry; I can come back later," she says, looking at Chris.

"No, it's okay. I'm kind of hungry," I say as Chris finishes up, and she smiles, brings me the tray, and leaves the room.

I look down and see plain rice, some bone broth chicken, toast, and yogurt.

I look Chris's way. He tells me he had already eaten when his mother came over. I started to choke on my rice.

"Easy, Elyse, are you okay?" He asks as he's rubbing my back as I drink some water.

"How does your mom know about me, Chris?" I ask him.

"Well, when you threw up, I looked down at my shirt and saw blood. I panicked and called Ma. She told me to rush you to the hospital," he tells me.

"Hold on, I threw up on you, Chris." I say now, red as a tomato.

"Yes, you did," he says as I start to look down, ashamed.

"Hey, hey, it wasn't on purpose, Elyse," he says as he pulls my chin up with his finger to look at him.

He tells me his version of that night, and I can't believe I did that or even scared him.

I smile and continue eating. He tells me she will come tomorrow morning before we get discharged with a change of clothes for me and says he's sorry if he overstepped.

I nod and tell him it's okay. I don't know how I feel about meeting his mom. What if she thinks I'm crazy for bringing Chris into all this? I tell Chris I used his phone to call Haley, and he smiles and asks if I need to make any other calls. I nodded and handed him the food tray, as I was feeling sleepy and wanted to rest.

Chris goes to use the bathroom after tucking me in and making sure I am comfortable.

Chris Pov

I wake up on the couch in Elyse's room, as my phone is now ringing. It is a little later in the night. After Elyse was given some medicine, she's been asleep for a while now.

I pick up the phone, and it's Ma. I tell her I'll meet her in the lobby, as Elyse is finally resting. I leave my phone with her just in case. I take the elevator down and meet Ma.

I give her a hug, and she smiles back. Ma tells me she's brought some dinner and a change of clothes for me. So we head to the food court first. Again, it's empty, with a few nurses on lunch break. I eat my dinner as I explain the game plan to Ma. Elyse is staying with me, and she's being discharged tomorrow.

Ma offers to bring her a change of clothes for the ride home. I bring Ma up to Elyse's room. I head to the restroom, take a quick shower, and change into fresh clothes. Ma sits outside with Elyse in the meantime.

I hope Elyse doesn't mind. I brought my mom into the room and invited her. I head out, and I tell Ma I will walk her out. Even Ma agrees that Elyse looks much better than before. I just hope she has a smooth recovery.

Just as I'm about to open the door to Elyse's room, I walk in and see her struggling to get out of bed. I run towards her and gently push her back to lay her down in bed. I found out she was getting up because she needed to pee.

After helping her in the bathroom, a nurse comes in and brings her dinner. As she eats, I tell her Ma visited, a little unsure of her reaction. She chokes on some rice, and she looks a little confused as to why or how Ma knows.

I told her that Ma was the one who told me to bring her to the hospital. As she's finishing up her dinner, she lets me know she used my phone to make a call. I ask her if she needs to make another call, maybe to her uncle or aunt, and she declines. I don't push, and she hands me her tray when she is finished.

I tuck her in, making sure to place a pillow under her head, and I go to use the bathroom, and when I come out, she is already asleep. I turn off the little lamp in her room and lie down on the couch.

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