Night Clubbing 🪩

498 11 0

📍Los Angeles

Elyse Pov

I wake up in the middle of an empty, cold bed. I smile, remembering sleeping in a warm one. I look over at the clock beside my bed, which reads 6:30 a.m.

I sit up, move the duvet off me, and quickly make my way out of the bedroom. I hear movement coming from the kitchen.

I smile as I see Chris mixing something in a bowl. I lean against the kitchen entryway, watching him move around shirtless in nothing but some lounge pants showing off his v-line.

"You left me in bed to make food," I say, making him jump a little. His bed hair is all over the place.

"Sorry, sweetheart, I couldn't sleep. Still, a little jet lagged, I think." I walk over to him, as he is still mixing up what looks like some pancake mix.

"So you took all my warmth to come down and prepare pancakes?" I tease him as he walks over to me, stretching his arms on each side of me and leaning his face down in front of mine.

"Well, my apologies, sweetheart. Let me warm you back up," Chris grips my hips, sitting me on the counter and running his hands up and down my thighs.

"Your hands are warm," I say and shiver, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"You're so beautiful," Chris says, looking into my eyes.

I am about to kiss him when a sleepy Dakota walks in, kind of ruining the moment.

Chris lets go of me, kisses my forehead, and goes back to making pancakes. I slide over to Dakota, and she takes a seat on a chair.

I jump off the counter and cut up some fruit to go with our pancakes.

We sit and enjoy breakfast while talking about the plans for today until Chris gets a call from his team. He needs to get ready and leave for his busy day today.

Dakota tells me she is going to workout in Chris's gym and asks if she could borrow some workout clothes, and I run and grab her some.

I run into Chris coming out of the shower, and he gets ready, and I jump in the shower. I'm brushing my hair, and he kisses me and tells me he will see me tonight, and he wishes me a good day.

I kiss him and tell him to send me pictures of his outfit tonight, and I wish him all the best.

The rest of them were spent hanging around the house. Scott comes over later with Steve, and we all hang around the pool.

I grab my phone and see a couple of messages from Haley and Chris. Chris tells me he is getting ready to attend the red carpet.

I send him a selfie of us chilling by the pool, and he says he'd rather be with us. I call Haley, and she explains everything is done, and after talking for about an hour, I wish her all the best with her career.

I let out a huge sigh of relief as I was done and cut ties with everyone in this industry with no promise to come back.

Megan told me and Chris earlier this year that she had no problem managing us together in the future if I were ever to want to come back or anything. I really loved Chris's whole team. They were really like a family.

After swimming, we head back inside and binge some movies on the TV.


The front door opens, and out of nowhere, Chris walks into the living room and announces that we are all going clubbing tonight with the Avengers. Saying it's Robert's treat and telling us to go get changed.

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