Building Memories 🔐💌

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Elyse Pov

I'm awake, and I'm sitting up looking out the window in the new room they transferred me into. This is a much nicer room. It has a view of Boston City. The room is a lot bigger, and I can breathe and don't feel trapped.

I woke up yesterday morning, and I saw Ma sitting next to me, and I was super confused as to what was going on.

I kept going back and forth between little things I was remembering; my head was pounding.

My memory was a little fuzzy, but Ma ran out to grab the doctor.

The whole left side of my body was sore. The doctor explained what happened to my body in the accident. I can't believe I was out for almost a month.

Most of my scars and bruises were gone. My ribs were healed, just really sore. I had a cast on my left leg and a sling on my left arm from the impact.

Things are starting to make sense a little, but most of it is blurry and I don't remember. The most I remember is going to LA for a meeting for my brand, and the rest is truly history. I can't remember any moments with my husband, Chris Evans.

I remember getting married, but it is all blurry. I apologized to him for not remembering, and he told me not to worry about it and to take it day by day.

Dr. Robbins explained that some areas in my brain are swollen and will take time to heal. I remember most details except for the fact that I was married to Chris and everything we did for the past three years.

I couldn't remember anything about him; I remembered his family but not my own husband, which was frustrating. I remember the look on his face last night when I was talking with Ma and Dakota as they were talking to me, and I was starting to remember, but nothing was working with Chris.

When I noticed Dakota was wearing a wedding band, I looked down and noticed I was also wearing a wedding band and an engagement ring. I looked over at Chris's hand, and he was also wearing a gold band, just like mine. We didn't really talk much that night. I was just super exhausted with all this new information and processing everything.

I have been in the hospital for over two weeks now, and Dr. Robbins says everything looks good and it is time for me to go home.

The choices were my husband's home, which I don't remember, or my mother's house. I have until the afternoon to decide.

Yesterday, Dakota and Chris were trying to explain everything that has happened these past few years. I don't remember, and I could not believe most of the things I was hearing.

Dakota and Chris have been showing me photos and pictures of us traveling, our wedding album, notes, letters, and so much more to try to help me with my memory.

Dr. Robbins said anything can trigger it and it will come back. It is just a matter of waiting. Chris has been nothing but patient with me.

Chris has been telling me how we met and how we were going to try to have a baby this year. He tells me we also have two dogs back home, and when he shows me pictures, I recognize their names.

Buster and Dodger Chris started to cry, saying there was still hope. I am still keeping a good distance from Chris, as I don't really remember much of him; I don't even know what I have or how much I have shared with him or the truth about my life.

Dakota was comforting me and told me about the night I left my own family, and I sort of remember it. There is something so comforting about Chris's scent and his eyes. I'm thinking about staying with Chris. Maybe that will spark something, but he tells me Ma is only a car ride away and he can drop me off there anytime of the day.

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