Birthdays and Babies... 🎂🎥🍼

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📍 Italy 🇮🇹
📍November  2017

Elyse Pov

My birthday has been so wonderful already. Chris had surprised me with a trip to Italy, and we spent all day yesterday exploring the wonders of the city and ending the night with sex.

Chris's hair was also fluffy again, and I was so happy about that. We ended up in Italy, and in a few days we would go to Norway, and I was excited.

I woke up to Chris singing me happy birthday while holding a little cake lit with candles. He sang me the song, and I blew out the candles and made a wish, and Chris kissed me, and we had two rounds of sex, one on the bed and one in the shower.

The rest of the day we spent in bed cuddling and talking about everything going on. I got so many messages from friends and family, and I felt so loved. We watched some old black-and-white movies.

I woke up a little later, and the hotel room was pitch black.

"Chris?.... " I sat up, and I saw a box on the bed with a note that said to open the box.

Inside the box was a gorgeous black dress. I took a quick shower, put the dress on, and went outside to the living room. The lights turned on, and there were balloons everywhere and a little table with some dinner.

Chris is standing in a suit, holding his hand out for me to take. I smile, and he takes my hand and helps me sit, and we enjoy my birthday dinner.

We are in a heated moment together, and as I'm undressing Chris, he asks me what I want to do, and I tell him I want to take a bath in the giant tub in the hotel bathroom.

I see his chest is bandaged up. I look at him and ask him what happened, and he tells me to slowly take it off. I take it off, and I see a fresh tattoo covered with clear tape.

It's my lips next to his heart next to our marriage anniversary tattoo, which he got a few months ago on our anniversary. He also got a Dodger and Buster tattoo on his chest.

I have tears in my eyes, and I kiss him and ask him when he did all of this. He tells me this afternoon, while I was sleeping, he had a guy come in and tattoo him, as he stole a napkin from my vanity a couple of weeks ago when I was blotting my red lipstick.

We finish taking off our clothes, and Chris leads me to the bathroom, where we soak in the bathtub.


"Come here; you're so far away." He joked, reaching out his hand to pull me closer. I giggle, straddle his lap, and smile.

"I love you, sweetheart. Happy birthday," he says, and I kiss him as my wet hands circle his neck. He kisses me back, and his hands rest on my waist.

Things got heated really quickly. The only thing you could hear was the sound of our lips smashing against each other.

At some point, I started to stare deep into his blue eyes. He was trying not to get hard in such a sweet moment, but that drove him crazy. I pull back, smirking as his eyes turn black, filled with lust.

"Baby," he whispered as I felt him hardening against my thigh. I moaned as my hips started to rock against him. His hands guided my movements underwater. I didn't even care if the bathroom was flooded with water.

"Chris, baby, I need you inside me." I whispered in his ear, making him twitch under me.

"You never get tired, do you? He smirked as my hands traveled down his body and my teeth sank into his bottom lip.

"Of you? Never, baby, I can never get tired of you." I say, and I sit down on his dick. Chris started to moan. I quickly moved, grinding on him as we made out. His hands gripped my hips and helped me move.

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