Fancy seeing you here ✨

787 16 1

Elyse Pov

I wake up in my hotel in Boston with a smile on my face. I arrived earlier today, around 6:30 this morning. It was snowing so much when I got out of the plane, chillier than I was used to or expecting. I have never been to Massachusetts before, as the charity is a local one from Boston. I'm excited to explore the city a little, as I have some time before the event tonight.

I landed at the airstrip, and a car arrived for me and dropped me off at this hotel. I walked in the lobby to the receptionist, and to my surprise, they were all super nice and accommodating. Usually, there are eyes everywhere. Maybe it's different in Boston.

He takes me up to my suite and asks for a selfie. I happily take the picture but ask him to post it after I've checked out. He nods and wishes me a good day. I entered my room and saw the invitation next to a platter of fresh fruit and the outfit I was wearing at night. A black monochromic pantsuit with a black lingerie corset by LV and some nude heels.

I smile and take a look at the charity. It was Christopher's Heaven, a non-profit organization in Boston that offers housing for families that need a place to stay while getting treatments. I smile, as I love to attend these types of events that can actually benefit people. I can see it's a cocktail dinner type of event starting at 6 p.m. I should be there by 8 p.m. at the latest.

I look at the bed staring back at me and decide to take a quick nap. When that nap turns into a full-on sleep, I wake up around 3:15 pm and have a smile on my face as I'm now well rested. I go take a shower and get ready for the day.

I think about whether I should text Chris now or wait till tomorrow since I have two hours to kill. I chicken out and decide to visit some local shops and grab some late lunch, but I don't know what to tell Chris.

I mean, what if he's busy? Or has moved on, I don't know... I bundle up in a huge trench coat and a beanie, and I walk out of the hotel.

I am walking up and down the streets of Boston as it is snowing out, and I just have this huge smile on my face. I love winter, and it never snows in LA. I remember the snow fights me and dad would have, and Mom would have to end up saving Dad from my skills of making fast snowballs, and I felt a tear down my cheek.

I walk around a little and spot a local sub shop. Leonie's pizza and subs I go in, and the staff is super friendly, and after chatting, they offer to let me try their subs for the first time. I grab their veggie sub.

To my surprise, everyone is in their own minds here, or maybe too busy, but very friendly. People hold doors open and tell you to have a nice day. There's no traffic or long lines, and especially no phone in your face begging for a photo or judgment.

I met a few fangirls in a clothing shop I entered earlier, and they genuinely had a normal conversation with me and didn't just ask for a photo. I offered a photo, and they declined, saying they wanted to make me feel uncomfortable. I was honestly shocked.

I sit down outside the shop after getting my sub. There's a park in front of this alley, and it's full of laughter from kids running around in the snow. I just feel so content looking around as I eat my lunch. I finish up and look at the time. I should head back and start to get ready for tonight.

I let the makeup artist in the room, and she got to work right away. As she preps my skin, I try to relax, as I still tend to get nervous before going out into a crowd of people, even though I do it for a living.

She finishes my makeup, and I pop open a bottle of champagne and offer her some, and we cheer to Boston and drink away. As she moves on to my hair, I look out the window and see it is now dark out, and how you could see the stars so clearly.

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