Is this some sort of a sick joke? 👀

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Chris pov


I roll over and turn off my alarm. I get out of bed, stretch, walk to the bathroom, brush my teeth, wash my face, and grab a shirt, putting it on as I walk to the kitchen. I grab water out of the fridge.

I look out the backyard down the hill at the view of Hollywood. It's a beautiful, sunny day. It would have been a good Sunday for a hike if I didn't have to attend this award show, but I'm looking forward to meeting Elyse.

I get a quick workout in, as I would much rather prefer a good long walk, but that's not possible living in LA. Paparazzi are everywhere. The last thing I need is more of my face online. I'm counting the hours till I can go back to Sudbury.

After I showered, I decided to head to the living room and watch some football. As the Patriots were playing tonight, I scheduled my TV for a recording, and I watched a rematch of games I missed out on.

I am so invested in the game that I don't hear the doorbell ring. That is, until I hear my phone ring and see it's Sebastian calling. I answer and tell him someone's at the door.

I make my way over to the door camera, and I see it's a package outside of the gate. I run and grab it, bringing it inside.

Seb called to inform me he's excited about tonight and how hard we're going to party tonight with Mackie. I laugh and tell him I'll see him soon, then hang up.

I go to open the package and see that it's from Scott! Just as I'm about to open it, Scott messages me.

Scott: Some important essentials for tonight, bro. All the best.

I open the box and see some mints and condoms. I shake my head and roll my eyes and throw the Amazon package aside.

Chris: Seriously, Scott, not funny at all!

I leave the box on the kitchen counter. I look at the time... I need to start getting ready. I head to the bathroom, trim my beard a little, and shower. I put on my suit, styled my hair, grabbed some shoes, and made my way out the door.

I see my driver is waiting outside. I sit in, and he takes off.

I read my script as we are stuck yet again in traffic. My anxiety starts to come up again as we get closer. I chew some gum, and I'm getting anxious seeing the utter chaos on the streets and restless to see Elyse. What is she doing with her partner? Come on, Chris, you've got this! I give myself a little pep talk.

We arrive as the driver parks. "Mr. Evans? Do you mind? Could you sign my baseball cap? My wife won't believe me if I say I met you today," he says, flushed.

"Sure, buddy," I sign the cap and take a picture with him.

"Have a good night, Captain," he says as he leaves. I smile and wave.

I met up with Megan. "Good heavens, you're here! I thought you weren't going to show up," she says, sounding stressed.

"Megan, take a deep breath; it's going to be okay," I told her. She leads me to one side.

"Okay, Chris, I've talked to Elyse's publicist, Haley; she told me they're en route, so I need you to do some solo pictures. Then we wait for them to arrive, and you take a few pictures with her," she tells me. I nod as I'm in line to take pictures.

"CHRIS, CHRIS, OVER HERE...CHRIS LOOK IN THE MIDDLE...OVER HERE CHRIS PLEASE." I hear I should oblige and take a few shots.

After the pictures, Megan drags me to the side. " She's here. Wait here for her; I'm going to go find Haley," Megan tells me. I nod and wait patiently while I greet fellow actors and fall into a conversation, and then I hear it.


There she stands in a beautiful gold gown. It's like the air is being sucked right out of me. I don't know how long I stare at her until I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Chris, hey man! I turn around and see Mackie standing there. I hug him.

"Ahhh, I see Elyse has arrived. No wonder I got so loud all of a sudden. Chris, man, I think you're drooling," Mackie says.

"Huh, what?" I say.

"Chris, man, you have it hard. Well, good luck. I'll see you inside." With that, he leaves me to it.

I then spot her eyes on mine, and I swear she smiles. Soon the smile turns into a frown; it's like she's looking for someone. She's trying to remain calm.

I'm guessing she's looking for Megan and Haley, as they are nowhere to be seen. I start to walk towards her, thinking she's calling me over to take the photos now.

As I walk towards her, she pushes past me in a rush. She grabs a girl and runs off.

Did I misread that? What just happened? What the fuck! I think.

The media goes crazy and starts yelling all sorts of things.


Soon enough, Jennifer Lopez arrives with her husband, and the media loses track of them and focuses on them. I spot Megan with someone who looks like Haley talking on the side.

She points Haley in another direction. As I rush to Megan, I hear a girl talking to her. I hear her say it's an emergency.

Is Elyse okay? What was that? Was that a dream or a prank? I wonder.

I overhear the conversation, and it turns out Haley left to do a sound check type of thing. And Elyse is locked in the bathroom. She's started her period and doesn't have anything.

I joined the conversation and told the intern to go find her publicist. I look at Megan and ask her if she could run to the CVS down the street. I saw it earlier in the car. She looks at me, confused.

"I need you to grab some pads, chocolate, and those muscle patches, please," I explained. She doesn't question me, as we are presenting second to last. She hurries along. While I make my way inside.

Soon enough, I hear the loudspeaker say, "Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. The show is about to start.

I rush inside. I look over the green rooms and spot the room with Evans and Harper written on it. This is not how I imagined I would meet Elyse for the first time.

I head inside and text Megan to meet me here. I wait about five minutes, and Megan walks in with a bag of supplies.

I'm going to go find Haley. You got this? She asks me with worried eyes.

"Yes, now go find Haley," I tell her.

I go to knock on the bathroom door. I hope this is not too weird.

"Elyse, it's me, Chris; please open the door."

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