Only My Chris Can Touch Me 💕🍻🍸

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Multiple Pov's

Elyse Pov

I wake up feeling Chris's fingers along my face. I hum as I slowly open my eyes, and I see him sitting on my side of the bed, dressed. I slowly get up and look at the time, as it's 9:40 a.m.

He smiles down at me, and I see he's ordered some room service. He tells me to go take a shower, and then we can eat breakfast out on the balcony as it's a beautiful day from our new view of London.

Last night, after the bed snapped, Chris came in with some staff, and they helped us move one floor up.

I was concerned about why nobody was questioning anything. Later on, Chris told me that the room we had given lots of guests problems in the past was just going to be remodeled.

I was so relieved that they didn't even question Chris about how it broke.

Our new room is a bit bigger than the last one and has an amazing view of London. I get out of the shower and put on a solid-tie black dress with little ties on my shoulders to keep it up.

I grab some white sneakers and put my hair in a high ponytail, walk out, and see Chris on a phone call again.

He has been taking a lot of phone calls lately; he seems relieved but still stressed. I think nothing of it and pour myself some juice, take some toast, and butter it with jam. Chris joins me.

As we are eating and enjoying the view, I'm stressed. I know we were supposed to spend the day together, but I don't know how to tell Chris I've already made plans with Scarlett and Lizzie.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Chris says, pulling me out of my daze.

I-Chris, Scarlett made plans with Lizzie and me to explore the city a little, and I know we were supposed to go sightseeing." Before I can say anything, he cuts me off with a kiss.

He always seems to bring me back from rambling or panicking.

"Baby, that's perfectly fine; I want you to have fun and get to know the girls," he says, grabbing my hand.

I get out of my seat, sit on his lap, and hug him. I sit on his lap, and we enjoy some breakfast while looking at the view. Chris tells me he will probably end up hanging out with the boys and maybe watching football.


I later get a call from Scarlett asking to open the door, and I tell her we moved rooms last and tell her our new room number, and I hear a knock at the door. Chris lets them in as I grab my purse from the bathroom.

"Evans, you won't be seeing your girl till nighttime as we are going dancing later," she winks at him, and I walk over to Chris, kissing him and running my hands through his hair.

"Have fun, baby," he says, and I grab his sunglasses from the table and blow him a kiss goodbye.

We spent the afternoon shopping around, and I ended up buying some cute summer dresses and a new pair of sunglasses as I kept stealing Chris's.

I spotted this beautiful tea set in a vintage shop and had to get it for Ma. She will love it, and I'm sure I also picked out some little knick-knacks for kids.

The nice thing about the hotel we are staying at is that they have a car service, and we hand them our bags, and they take them to the reception, where we can grab them later.

We take a few pictures, and I send them to Chris, and he sends me one of him with Sebastian having lunch.

My stomach grumbles at the thought of lunch, so I drag the girls out of the shops and to a cute lunch setting. We settled on a little Italian restaurant with an outdoor setting.

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