I'm Going to Miss You 💋✈️💅🏼

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Elyse Pov

I'm only wearing my bra and my pants. The rest of my clothes are on the floor, ripped somewhere.

Chris's shirt was unbuttoned, and his pants were unbuckled. The two of us fervently kissed each other, and my legs aimlessly led us to our bedroom.

When I feel the backs of my legs hit the edge of the bed, I push Chris back onto the bed, get on my knees in front of him, and pull down his already unbuttoned pants along with his boxers.

His swollen member slaps against his lower stomach, and I grab his shaft, licking the bulging vein running up the underside of his member, and I sloppily suck on the tip.

All you could hear in the room were the sounds of Chris and mine's grunts and moans. I pull him out of my mouth just enough so that you can spit on his tip.

I spread it down his length, and I made eye contact with him. I maintain eye contact as I slowly take his entire length into my mouth. I keep going until my nose brushes against the pubic bones on his lower stomach.

Chris is the first to break eye contact as he drops his head onto the bed and lets out a loud moan.

"Fuck, feel so good around me, sweetheart." He moans loudly and places a firm grip on my hair.

"Shit, I'm about to cum. I need to be inside of you, baby." He pants and pulls me away from his dick.

He pulls me up from in front of the bed, and he pushes me onto the bed. He kicks off his pants and takes off his shirt, leaving him naked, and he helps me get naked.

He gets on the bed in front of me and lines himself up with my entrance. He lets out a grunt, and he pushes all the way into me.

"Elyse, you feel so good around me, so warm and wet for me," He moans as he attaches his lips to mine. He puts his hands on my hips, and he begins to thrust into me.

"Fuck!" I whimper into his mouth Chris's grip gets tighter as he nears his release. He detaches his lips from mine, his head drops to my neck, and his moans intensify.

"Cum for me, baby," he moans, and one of his hands leaves my hips and goes to rub my clitoral area. My moans get louder, and his thrusts get sloppier. He is still deep inside of me, and he cums inside me.

When I feel his warm release coat my walls, that sends me completely over, and I chase right after him. He collapses on top of me. We lay together for a while when I felt him shift beneath me.

"Ready for me to pull out, babe?" he whispers in my ear as he strokes my hair.

"No, this feels nice," I mumble as I'm getting sleepy. Chris chuckles, pulls out, and cleans me up. He pulls the covers up, and we fall asleep.


I wake up and look around for Chris, but I feel a piece of paper on his pillow. I open my eyes and see the note on his pillow.

"Gone for a run, baby. Be back soon. I love you".

I smile and cuddle into his pillow. He is leaving for a press tour tonight as Civil War is coming out next week. He will go to Korea and then London.

I also have to go back to work this week. Our movies are both coming out next week. I will be going to London in two days for interviews and the press. I will meet up with Chris and do press for Super Spies while I attend the Civil War premiere with him.

Then we're going to LA for the Super Spy premiere and hanging out there for a few days. I'm super excited for Super-Spies to come out; we really worked hard on it, and I'm excited to see everyone's reaction.

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